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Quest-Mode Creation
Hello everyone :D.

I'm working on a 3.0 Story Quest profile right now. For now it runs very well. I just have some hinder points where I hope someone knows how to solve this best.

In one of the steps I have an item where I have to interact with. The problem is, it wont disappear or change any quest-state after interaction. So the bot interacts over and over with the same object. How can I let him go to the next one after interacting once?

the second point is a bit more general. In the quest-profile creation, what is the difference between "start" and "accept", or "finish" and "complete"?

That's it for now :D.
I hope I got soon something to share :)
Keeping the flame alive quest? :) You can use accept to start another quest inside the quest you are currently on and finish completes a quest inside the current quest.
We don't use accept/finish anymore, they will be removed from profile creator in next release.
"Hope Springs Eternal" Quest :).
There you ahve to find the moist stone and when you interact with a dry one, it just stay there and gives a message :P

Good that I only used accept and complete :D
(09-13-2015, 12:43 AM)Psychomaster Wrote:  "Hope Springs Eternal" Quest :).
There you ahve to find the moist stone and when you interact with a dry one, it just stay there and gives a message :P

Good that I only used accept and complete :D

it's the same stone everytime. just have to remember which is the right one.
Really? o.o. Okay thank you :D.
Had the feeling I always had to talk to 3 Stones to find the correct one XD.

Another question to the creation of quest profiles.
What is the best way to solve this instanced "missions". Like the one where you have to free Raubahn, as example.

Is there a good example to learn from?
dont make it a dutykill and add navpoints / kill agro, atleast that's what i did

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