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Double Cast craft skills since last update
Since today's massive update, crafting is broken. It double casts some skills like Great Strides or Steady Hand II randomly even if "Missing Buff" condition is set up.
So sometimes it casts normally my Great Strides which has Missing buff = 254, but it casts another time the skill... So there is a serious problem with the conditions... It's not possible to cast Great Stride a second time if the conditions says "you cast it when you have not the buff".
It did it 5 times for 110 crafts. You can see on the screen on the last two skills that it casts 2 times Great Strides ("Grand Progres" in french)

Anyone here with the same problem?

PS: it was working perfectly since weeks with the same profile until i update the minion

[Image: 199487Capture.png]
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Could be a timing issue with the buff update, check to see if the new update helps please.
going for 500 crafts. I'll see tomorrow if everything's fine.
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Same problem after 340 crafts this time.
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
So it happened once during 340 crafts..?
Yup only one time on 500 crafts since last update during the night.
When there is a double cast, i don't have anough CP to continue the craft, so i'm stuck doing nothing.
I'll have to do a lot of crafts this week i'll let you know. Actually it seems to craft slowly than before, so if it's a timing issue with the buff update you culd fix it easily.
But i'm thinking (if nobody here does a lot of craft and says "i have the same problem") it could be my internet connection. Do you think a simple "lag" from my connection could be responsible for the doublecast? It makes sense.
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Add a careful synth to the end of your craft profile

It will make it fail if no other skill option available but wont be stuck mid craft.

That could be caused by a lag spike.

The buff not being set and the bot thinking its a valid skill to use.
yup nice tips i'll do that, + a Cp condition on great strides. I really don't care about failing a craft when i do 500 or more. I never had this problem before, and i did have just after the update yesterday evening. But i saw multiple times on the game this week i have a strange lags sometimes, and actually my server is really full. It could be a problem with the ping between the server and client too.

Please keep this thread active, we need to know. There are serious crafters here and if the problem is in your side and it persists, people will talk about that on the forum very quickly. It's weird that everytime it happens, it's only on the 2 same skills "Great Strides" and "Steady Hand II".
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
If it was a bug you would be seeing it a lot more every craft or every other craft.

One in 300 is a bit of a fluke and very hard to replicate.

But your right others may also have the issue.

Crafting will be getting some love as ace outs it soon anyway.
I think it's a case of lag and buff-read timing, which could probably be eliminated by adding a "previous skill" conditional if there isn't one already for crafting.

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