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v1.2 initial release
v1.3 minor bugs fixed. Crystal profiles fixed. Preventive measures taken upon 6666 to 9999 stage, bot will move to text task after 9950 shards.
v1.4 Removed "min 450gp" on ShardCrystalCluster profile, this way bot still goes to node whether or not "ward" skill can be used.
v1.5 Adjusted profiles, (26botany) and (26miner)
Choose either Botany or Miner for whether you want to gather shards/crystals on Botany or Miner. All is tested and should work.
Probably my last upload for shards, out of this you guys can customize your own profiles to fit your needs, I've done all the hard work gathering locations and everything. But report issues I will do my best to get to them, I'm going out of town tomorrow and will not be back for 5 days.

Either Set Miner to Gear Slot 1 and Botany to Gear Slot 2
Or inside Each profile.lua, change line 44 and 45 to your appropriate miner/botany gear sets.

[Image: rw2btd.png]
I primarly use these on my Non HW accounts

Here's the files.
Skill Profiles : Crystals, Crystals2, Clusters
Go in \LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles

GatherProfiles : ShardCrystalCluster and ShardCrystalCluster(No Cluster Port)

Crystal/Shard farm: Miner 26+(i may do bot nodes for shards/crystals later on)
Add Cluster Farm: Miner&Botany 46+
Profiles will still gather Crystals/Shards if under lvl 46.

You must meet ALL above requirements for these profiles to work properly.

The difference between the two is,
Gathers Fire > Water > Ice > Earth > Wind > Lightning
Will start with Fire Crystal/Shards up to 9999 while teleporting to Mor Dhona as cluster nodes become available. v1.3 Must have 450gp to gather clusters

Your presence is constantly changing between the two, u lose a lot of time due to choco running but your not staying at one locations forever...
Teleports 6 times per ingame Day.

ShardCrystalCluster(No Cluster Port)
Gathers Fire > Water > Ice > Earth > Wind > Lightning shards/crystals up to 3333
Bot will Cycle through Elements again until stacks are at 6666....and then 9999

If at this point you still haven't checked on your poor toons...:Awkward:
They will begin mining unspoiled clusters until those are at 9999... lol

Happy Farming

Attached Files
.rar   ShardCrystalCluster v1.4.rar (Size: 6.65 KB / Downloads: 296)
.rar   ShardCrystalCluster v1.5.rar (Size: 11.04 KB / Downloads: 1,504)
.rar   ShardCrystalCluster v1.3.rar (Size: 6.65 KB / Downloads: 152)
Id lower the count a little to 9900 or 9950.

If you do get 9999 and still have swings left it may get stuck.

Just a thought and untested.

also this will never complete
max inventory id 9999 but you have stated complete if NOT less than or equal to 9999

so if it hits 9999 it will still think its isnt complete.

your saving grace maybe the condition isnt met to choose it as valid.

[Image: 30082d397c.png]


["ItemCount(7) => 9950"] = true;
["ItemCount(7) < 9999"] = false;
Right I did not think about that thanks Sebbs!
I'll update when I get home in a little bit!

Thats why you're the best!

(10-06-2015, 02:08 PM)sebbs Wrote:  Try

["ItemCount(7) => 9950"] = true;
["ItemCount(7) < 9999"] = false;
I went with whats working for me now. This will push to next one before hitting 9999 threshold and possibly stopping bot at node due to over stock.
[Image: 346norb.png]

Thanks Sebbs
Just trying this myself and is it just me or am I going mad?

When I arrive at Clusters in Mor Dhona it gets near the cluster but slightly away from it so it cannot farm it.
(10-07-2015, 09:44 PM)happychappy5656 Wrote:  Just trying this myself and is it just me or am I going mad?

When I arrive at Clusters in Mor Dhona it gets near the cluster but slightly away from it so it cannot farm it.

Did you have the require GP (think its like 450 in the lua)?
(10-07-2015, 09:44 PM)happychappy5656 Wrote:  Just trying this myself and is it just me or am I going mad?

When I arrive at Clusters in Mor Dhona it gets near the cluster but slightly away from it so it cannot farm it.

(10-07-2015, 10:17 PM)dNh301 Wrote:  Did you have the require GP (think its like 450 in the lua)?

I just uploaded another version for Cluster farm regardless if "Ward" skill can be used.
not sure what im doing wrong? No clusters works fine but whenever i try the cluster one he just switches into a war gearset and the bot changes into grind mode.... :S
(10-08-2015, 06:23 AM)opengrip Wrote:  not sure what im doing wrong? No clusters works fine but whenever i try the cluster one he just switches into a war gearset and the bot changes into grind mode.... :S

Assign your Miners gearset number to 1 and botanist to 2 and you will be golden.
Oh wow thanks I didnt see that in the description. There should be an option to set your gear set number like we used to have. Either way awesome and golden now :)
all it is doing is harvesting moko grass =/[/u]

I'll remove your charactername ...better that way ;)
- fx

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