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Your using a profile.
If you want to use markers change profile to None.

Btw your name is visable.

I would remove the pic
got it! thank you so much! i was actually getting frustrated lol trying to figure out the id and everything with dev and trying to edit the marker... ugh! i had to edit the marker for Wind Shard > profile: None > skill profile: crystals > reset lua works like a charm. now will i have to edit each marker for the shards that i want or will this cycle through all the different shards once maxed on wind?
(10-08-2015, 07:10 AM)neocross Wrote:  got it! thank you so much! i was actually getting frustrated lol trying to figure out the id and everything with dev and trying to edit the marker... ugh! i had to edit the marker for Wind Shard > profile: None > skill profile: crystals > reset lua works like a charm. now will i have to edit each marker for the shards that i want or will this cycle through all the different shards once maxed on wind?
Hey Neo, are you trying to level to 50?
Or are you trying to farm shards/crystals?
The profile you selected will level your gathering class and not farm shards.

Shards/crystals can be farmed at lvl 26 @ the best nodes available.

Ps as Sebbs said I'd edit your post and remove the screen shot you sent.
ahh!! ok so when i hit lvl26 i should be good to go and not edit anything?
(10-08-2015, 04:32 PM)neocross Wrote:  ahh!! ok so when i hit lvl26 i should be good to go and not edit anything?

Yes and no...
These nodes are for Miner... But, i have some free time before my vacation i will create a Botany one and upload shortly.

I updated to v1.5 my last upload most likely, Download this and when you ding 26 use the (26Botany) (No Cluster Port) profile and you will be golden.
awesome my friend!! thank you so much!!
Sry to be a bother but im trying to set up the counter. I copyed your setting for chards/crystals but the bot doesn't stop and just continues gathering. I sill dont fully understand the item count and what is the number for in ( ). Do i need a specific setup if i cap on crystals before shards?

["condition"] = {
["ItemCount(5) < 9500"] = true;
["complete"] = {
["ItemCount(5) <= 9500"] = false;
(10-08-2015, 08:25 PM)ludijak599 Wrote:  Sry to be a bother but im trying to set up the counter. I copyed your setting for chards/crystals but the bot doesn't stop and just continues gathering. I sill dont fully understand the item count and what is the number for in ( ). Do i need a specific setup if i cap on crystals before shards?

["condition"] = {
["ItemCount(5) < 9500"] = true;
["complete"] = {
["ItemCount(5) <= 9500"] = false;


ItemCount(5) means it will check the amount for Earth Shard.

["ItemCount(10302) < 1"} = true;
["itemCount(10302) <= 1"] = false;

(tho not usable ID for gathering the idea is the same)
Would check for Cauldronkeep's alembic. once it finds it would move to next task and skip it.

What you've done here is amazing work. I have been trying unsuccessfully to add in the gathering of the grade 3 topsoil's with no luck. I was wondering if you might be able to add it in? Or at least as an optional file? Unfortunately I have no real lua coding experience and no idea how to make it work. There isn't a real lot of source material around at the moment.

(10-08-2015, 09:02 PM)Wonderland Wrote:  Hi,

What you've done here is amazing work. I have been trying unsuccessfully to add in the gathering of the grade 3 topsoil's with no luck. I was wondering if you might be able to add it in? Or at least as an optional file? Unfortunately I have no real lua coding experience and no idea how to make it work. There isn't a real lot of source material around at the moment.


i just finished mine today thx to lil debug from Ace xD
This one is for gathering Thanalan topsoil, just copy/paste it. for it to work u need to use Toil skill to discover all items or it wount gather gardening

[1] = {
["type"] = "mining";
["radius"] = 150;
["gathergardening"] = true;
["gatherrares"] = true;
["item1"] = "Water Cluster";
["minlevel"] = 46;
["mapid"] = 140;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -111.19593811035;
["y"] = 48.079681396484;
["z"] = 341.31753540039;
["highpriority"] = true;
["resetdaily"] = true;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 5;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 8;
["whitelist"] = "6";
["mingp"] = 299;
["skillprofile"] = "Toil's";

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