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Force a cooldown after repeated failure to apply debuff?
Is there a way to flag a skill not to be used for some amount of time if the debuff cannot be correctly applied (eg, target has too many debuffs, such as in Crystal Tower raids or some FATE bosses). Otherwise, the bot stands there spamming Scourge or stuff forever.

Ideally, maybe something like if it can't apply the debuff x times in a row, don't try to use the skill for y seconds, where x and y are user defined?
Just use the "secs passed" field, to prevent it from spamming it over and over. A lot of times what happens is that it can apply it, and does, but it gets wiped off by the buff limit.
Using "secs passed" doesn't work well, since that breaks multi-DOTing enemies by tabbing through them. Unless there's an option for "secs passed per target"?

Also, already-applied buffs never actually get wiped off, only new buffs cannot apply. The "shown buffs" limit is smaller than the actual buff limit on an enemy --- a proper Bio that gets "pushed off" by the visual limit (but with a number of total debuffs that doesn't exceed the full hard limit) will still count, you just can't see it (you can test this with Fester).
I'll see if I can come up with something, but in the meantime you're limited to filters to turn debuff skills on/off in combat.
Thank you very much for taking a look at it! It's as much as I could hope for, under the circumstances. :)

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