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Range on markers
What is the range on markers when it comes to re-evaluating area for nodes? In some instances the bot will travel to marker and harvest nodes then return to the marker position. In other instance it will harvest both nodes and move on to the next area.

It kind of creates a slight issue because for me it is not necessary for the bot to return to the marker to re-evaluate and it obviously does not do it in all the instances.
i was actually going to make a post. With this recent update the bot no longer harvests volcanic rock salt from the position i had set since now both spawn locations appear to be out of range, this never happened previously
Can't do anything about it, markers have no range, the client does.
Until it can be reworked somehow in the client to pick up the location via minimap, it won't be do-able.
Try a timeout task and move the positions closer to the new nodes. If it cant locate it at position 1 it will move to position 2.

BUT the ez times need to be set right so it doesnt get there to early.
thanks i guess ill start working on that
(11-13-2015, 01:16 AM)Ace Wrote:  Can't do anything about it, markers have no range, the client does.
Until it can be reworked somehow in the client to pick up the location via minimap, it won't be do-able.

Ah, that is not exactly what I meant. I mean to say that the bot sometimes will move from to the Marker, harvests all nodes, then from the last node it will not return to the same Marker but move straight away to the next one.
In other instances it will harvest nodes (some might be a little further away) then it will go back to the same Marker to "re-check" if there are any nodes left.

I assume there is a range somewhere buried in code that tells the bot:
If distance from Marker > ## then move back to Marker to re-evaluate.
I was wondering if it was hard coded or something that could be modified on my end so it would not re-evaluate the area after the second node.

If it is not possible or you guys don't know, it is okay. It just bugs me a little that when two nodes are a little more spread out at a particular marker will make it run back to the Marker and stand there.

Found solution to my problem.
C:\Minion\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion - ffxiv_task_gather
[Image: 3521y4x.jpg]

Default value was 50. Which is fine in RR areas but HW nodes are often further away than 50 units of distance. Changing it to 100 makes harvesting spread out nodes a lot easier. No more Marker double-checking.

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