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MMOMinion Launcher does not let me connect more then 2 bots
* What OS are you running? Windows 8.1
* What AV is installed? none
* Where is the bot installed? C:\MINIONAPP
* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed? no
* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed? Nvidia Gamers Experience
* Did you follow the install instructions found ! Yes
* Are you running the bot as admin? Yes
* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client? minionapp launch the client
*Are you running any Bot addons? no

When i try to start the thirt client with minionapp it says "unknown error during launch" and stop doing connection.

In log.txt is following error:

12 Lauching new instance for account ******
16 Finished startup sequence for account ******, received PID 4294967295.


24 Lauching new instance for account *******
29 Killing PID: 111908
29 MinionLauncher.exe seems to be frozen !

and in minionlauncherinfo:

[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Starting Launcher
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing region with Value 0
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing attachtype with Value 0
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing uid with Value 7216b518758146c681cae89a2c7a4101
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing productid with Value 1
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing minionkey with Value ******
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing minionpass with Value ******
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing account with Value ******
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing accountpass with Value *******
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing charname with Value *******
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing server with Value ********
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing attach with Value true
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing path with Value D:\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\ffxiv.exe
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing datpath with Value C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\MinionFiles\FFXIVMinion.dat
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing botpath with Value C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing args with Value
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing args2 with Value DEV.DataPathType=1 DEV.LobbyPort01=54994 DEV.LobbyPort02=54994 DEV.LobbyPort03=54994 DEV.LobbyPort04=54994 DEV.LobbyPort05=54994 DEV.LobbyPort06=54994 DEV.TestSID=036c2bfd4ba71000a8ef45e766ba9f38 DEV.UseSqPack=1 DEV.MaxEntitledExpansionID=1 SYS.Region=3 language=2 resetConfig=0 ver=2015.11.12.0000.0000
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Parsing datacenter with Value 5
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Preparations for launch done
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Starting dfgd D:\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\ffxiv.exe
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Using C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\MinionFiles\FFXIVMinion.dat
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Preparing to attach..
[2015-11-12 16:36:20]=> Attaching Bot to Game

it does not have an effect on the 2 excisting running bots. Just a thirt does not start.
Any advice?

Just the two Bots that allready running.
i cant start more than 2 as well, 4 keys, all accounts correct when it tries to start the 3rd i get "unknown error during start of the game!"
edit my bad, the problem was on my background programs.
About 2 months ago I was running 4 instances of FFXIV on my computer, then around that time I was unable to start more than 2. My solution at the time was to run the other 2 on a couple of laptops. Yesterday, I did some more research on the matter and found a thread that mentioned a program called sandboxie, so I checked it out. I downloaded it, installed it and now I can run as many instances of FFXIV as my system can handle. Minion runs just fine on all the sandboxed clients. I think SE was trying to limit the number of clients running on a pc, just a guess on my part. I'm just happy to have all my bots back on one pc.
They have a limit yes, but each time the bot attaches it removes the limit allowing 2 more clients to launch.
(11-14-2015, 07:35 PM)Powder Wrote:  They have a limit yes, but each time the bot attaches it removes the limit allowing 2 more clients to launch.

That seems to have stopped working a couple months ago. I tried it a couple days ago and still couldn't get more than 2 running.
(11-14-2015, 08:30 PM)tadeus Wrote:  
(11-14-2015, 07:35 PM)Powder Wrote:  They have a limit yes, but each time the bot attaches it removes the limit allowing 2 more clients to launch.

That seems to have stopped working a couple months ago. I tried it a couple days ago and still couldn't get more than 2 running.

I stand corrected. I must have been doing something wrong. This time I started FFXIV, then attached bot, started 2nd instance, attached bot, 3rd, attached, 4th, attached. Worked perfectly. Not sure what I was doing before, oh well.
(11-15-2015, 03:54 AM)tadeus Wrote:  
(11-14-2015, 08:30 PM)tadeus Wrote:  
(11-14-2015, 07:35 PM)Powder Wrote:  They have a limit yes, but each time the bot attaches it removes the limit allowing 2 more clients to launch.

That seems to have stopped working a couple months ago. I tried it a couple days ago and still couldn't get more than 2 running.

I stand corrected. I must have been doing something wrong. This time I started FFXIV, then attached bot, started 2nd instance, attached bot, 3rd, attached, 4th, attached. Worked perfectly. Not sure what I was doing before, oh well.

you can also set up the account info in the launcher and it will launch+ attach on its own you dont have to worry about attaching the bots correctly .
Does that work if you use the security token?
(11-16-2015, 12:38 AM)tadeus Wrote:  Does that work if you use the security token?

nope ofc not, but no real need for one, dont share your info and you dont have to worry about being hacked.

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