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Bot Crashing once enabled and runs for about 3 mins
[2015-11-12 00:46:22]=> Preparing to attach..
[2015-11-12 00:46:22]=> Attaching Bot to Game
[2015-11-12 00:46:24]=> Attaching Successfull
[2015-11-12 00:46:24]=> Exiting Launcher, returning PID = 4016


- running WIN10
- have my virus scanner disabled (windows Defender Disabled)
- no anti malware / add ons installed
- running bot as admin
-Tried with mumble and teamveiwer on and off normally runs with no issues with teamveiwer, as well the mumble overlay is disabled
-Also have attached it manually and auto no luck either way
-my woman's computer is doing the same thing so was able to reproduce it on another computer with only updating the minion
-no bot add ons

Does the screen freeze or does the bot close the window to desktop?
Freezes then after awhile it will dump the memory.
Freeze then after awhile memory dumps
Hop on the live chat when your around. Ill check it out if I am around
it even crash when u using assist mode
It does not FSOD for me since 2 days anymore.
Maybe Ace changed something special, but it is gone. Might ask him, if and when he pushes this update to live :)
Fxfire i have tried it both with and without the area I'm normally in is Western corthas Highlands I've checked with other players i know and same thing happened. I have also tried it on a fresh install computer to ensure that its not my system. I thought it might of been steam at first but its still having issues.
i havent FSOD any more either for the last 2 days.

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