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EasyNinja Profile w/ Ace's Positional Assister *UPDATED* 4-Apr-2016
ONLY supports LVL 60!

  • Chooses best finisher to use after Gust Slash based on current position for highest potency possible if user is unable to reach the positional provided by NIN assister.  Uses Armor Crush if Huton <20s regardless of position.
  • Waits until user is Behind target before using Trick Attack.  Profile will use Sneak Attack if positional cannot be met with 2 sec left on Suiton buff.  Solo players will use Sneak Attack immediately.
  • While in a party, the profile will NOT apply DoTs or use Suiton if target hp < 30,000 (HP check for DoTs not supported with assister so people can use it on target dummies)
  • While in a party, the profile will NOT use Raiton and Duality if target hp < 15,000
  • Attempts to pair Duality with Aeolian Edge, but will use Armor Crush if the user is stuck at Flank position.
  • Uses Kiss of the Viper as default poison but will not overwrite Kiss of the Wasp if used manually

  1. Download the new Assister V2 from
  2. Place Assister Folder into Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods
  3. Place EasyNinja.lua in Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles
  4. Place EasyNinja.lua from the Profiles Folder in Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\Assister\Profiles
  5. The Assister window can be opened from the bottom of the screen ingame.
  6. *OPTIONAL* Turn on Legacy movement + autoface target on cast ingame and turn on autoface target for mmominion to minimize mudra errors.

Filter 1 Buffs  - ON = Uses Buffs, Performs Opener
Filter 2 Raiton - ON = Uses Raiton  OFF = Uses Fuma Shuriken
Filter 3 Stuns  - ON = Uses Jugulate
Filter 4 AoE    - ON = Smart AoE - Uses Doton/Katon when 3+ targets and Death Blossom when 5+ targets
Filter 5 Huton  - ON = Uses Huton when out of combat, enemy detected within 35 yalms, and current huton buff is less than 40 seconds (For Opener support)
DULL sound = Behind
SHARP sound = Flank

How to use Opener:
"EasyNinja" & "EasyNinja - No DE"
  1. Precast Huton
  2. Engage combat at 5s or less on Ninjutsu CD (Profile will automatically use B4B when you have a target selected.  Do not select a target if you are not ready)
"EasyNinja - Shasta" & "EasyNinja - Shasta - No DE"
  1. Precast Huton
  2. Engage combat when Ninjutsu is ready

4/4/2016 v3.25
-Increased all Mudra wait time ms to 350 for macro manager
-Added HP check for Mutilate
-Reduced number of enemies for Death Blossom from 5 to 4
-Removed HP check for Shadow Fang
-Added new profiles with opener based off official NA forums (EasyNinja & EasyNinja - No DE)
-Renamed EasyNinja - No DE from previous version to EasyNinja - Shasta - No DE

31/3/2016 v3.24
-Removed HP Advantage check for Suiton on Mobs
-Added "No Dancing Edge" Profile - not supported by assister yet.  Will still use D/E for frontal positions
-Lowered HP check for Raiton/Fuma

22/3/2016 v3.23
-Removed Trick Attack ready check from Fuma Shuriken for solo play
-Increased HP check for Suiton from 20% to 50% for mobs 2x your max HP (No HP checks for bosses)

16/3/2016 v3.22
-Fixed an issue with Doton failing

15/3/2016 v3.21
-Added more failed mudras recovery (Uses Katon, Raiton, Hyoton, Fuma Shuriken if you fail your mudra chain)
-Adjusted macro speed for mudras to 200ms
-Removed Shadewalker
-Added Shade Shift (under attack melee and <99% HP)
-Added Throwing Dagger (disabled in skill manager by default)

12/3/2016 v3.20
-Added completion checks for mudras in macro manager
-Added a new entry for Suiton (HP>20%) in PVP (needs testing)

12/3/2016 v3.19
-Weapon Throw will now only be used if your target has Sprint Buff (PVP)

11/3/2016 v3.18
-Updated for the new V2 Assister
-No changes made to skill profile

10/3/2016 v3.17
-Added PVP skills, except Purify, Malmsight, Detect
-Added Second Wind (<50% HP)
-Added Shadewalker (activates if under attack by melee)

10/3/2016 v3.16
-Fixed issue with opener not casting

6/3/2016 v3.15
-Fixed an issue with the opener where Trick Attack was being used after the first Spinning Edge instead of the Spinning Edge after Dancing Edge.

4/3/2016 V3.14
-Switched all chains from IsReady to CDisReady check
-Added 50% HP check for Trash Mobs
-Added HP Advantage + 5% HP Check for Buffs on Bosses
-Added failed mudra check using Hyoton/Fuma

25/2/2016 v3.13
-Adjusted all mudras to cast at 200ms

24/2/2016 v3.12
-Adjusted all mudras to cast at 300ms speed within macro manager
-Profile will force Armor Crush to be used if Huton is below 10s instead of 20s

24/2/2016 v3.11
-Changed Opener to Shasta's Suiton opener

14/12/2015 v3.10
-Added Filter names for the new GUI changes
-No changes made to skills

13/12/2015 v3.09
-Added sounds to assister
-No changes made to profile

11/12/2015 v3.08
-Changed range detection of opener from 6y to 10y
-Fixed issue causing Fuma Shuriken to not cast

10/12/2015 v3.07c
-Adjusted default macro ping from 100 to 300ms for all mudras
-Fixed an issue from 3.07b that caused Suiton to not cast

10/12/2015 v3.07b
-Profile now uses the new macro update to perform mudras and openers.  Results may vary based on ping.

29/11/2015 v3.06
-Added Dream/Dream, Duality, Suiton to Filter 1

29/11/2015 v3.05
-Fuma Shuriken support added - Filter 2 toggle
-Opener changed to Filter 1 - Now requires all oGCDs to be ready before performing
-Added additional checks to Suiton again

29/11/2015 v3.04
-Added additional checks to Suiton in opener
-Kassatsu will now be used on low HP targets while solo (target dummies).  30K HP check still remains for user in a party

28/11/2015 v3.03
-Debuff limit support added.  Profile will no longer spam Shadow Fang or Mutilate if the your applied debuffs do not show on the target bar.
-Assister has NOT been updated to reflect this change.
-Added isReady checks to all Ninjutsus skill chains to prevent skill spam

27/11/2015 v3.02c - still need testing on 3.02b updates
-Added isReady check on Huton to prevent Skill is not Ready spam in certain conditions for users who enable skill queue

26/11/2015 v3.02b - requires testing
-Added warrior detection in party.  Profile will no longer attempt to overwrite Storm's Eye if less than 2.5 sec is remaining
-Uptime on Dancing edge debuff is closer to 100% now without warrior
-Assister has been updated to be more accurate and should give a warning for Aeolian Edge paired with Duality.

24/11/2015 v3.01
-Removed yalm check on Raiton/Suiton

24/11/2015 v3.0
-Initial Release

[Image: btn_donate_LG.gif]

Attached Files
.rar   EasyNinja 3.23.rar (Size: 6.62 KB / Downloads: 176)
.rar   EasyNinja 3.06 temp.rar (Size: 7.35 KB / Downloads: 82)
.rar   EasyNinja 3.24.rar (Size: 12.29 KB / Downloads: 84)
.rar   EasyNinja 3.25.rar (Size: 24.36 KB / Downloads: 963)
holy crap. To the testing mobile!
is it possible working if I use Positional Assister separately with my own skillprofile? thank you.
(11-25-2015, 03:39 AM)kslcom Wrote:  is it possible working if I use Positional Assister separately with my own skillprofile? thank you.

It depends on the conditionals you used for your skill profile. If your timers are different for tracking debuff/buffs, then no, it will not be accurate.

24/11/2015 v3.01
-Removed yalm check on Raiton/Suiton

New quick update, the yalm check was preventing Raiton/Suiton from casting.

Also I will be updating this profile to become 2 profiles. One for parties with a WAR, the other for parties without to better track Dancing Edge/Storm's Eye
would it be possible to make someway to use shuriken instead of raiton?
(11-25-2015, 04:17 AM)hamison Wrote:  would it be possible to make someway to use shuriken instead of raiton?

With the changes to mudra lag in 3.1, it's more optimal to use raiton instead of shuriken. Do you still have mudra lag with this profile? I don't know if Ace implemented his update for 3.1 mudra lag yet.
An updated Ninja profile!?!
<3 <3 <3

Quick question about skill queuing...

On most of the (older) posts, most Devs have said to turn Skill Queuing OFF, yet it can be ON for yours.
Are there "legitimate" advantages/disadvantages to have it toggled either way?

Thank you!
Oh man thank you, love your other profiles so I'm glad to see you picked another job that I like to use!
How punishing is ping for ninjas?
(11-25-2015, 05:19 AM)rev Wrote:  An updated Ninja profile!?!
<3 <3 <3

Quick question about skill queuing...

On most of the (older) posts, most Devs have said to turn Skill Queuing OFF, yet it can be ON for yours.
Are there "legitimate" advantages/disadvantages to have it toggled either way?

Thank you!

For people with high ping, having skill queue enabled will reduce the time delay between the end of a GCD and activating the next GCD skill. For people with low ping, you won't really notice a difference.

For this profile, the disadvantage of having skill queue enabled is how it affects the profile's ability to determine the best finisher to use after gust slash based on your position. With it enabled, sudden position changes made within the last ~500ms will NOT reflect what the profile ends up using for the next GCD.

For example, you just used Gust Slash and it's 1000ms before the next GCD is ready and you're behind the boss. The profile will use Aeolian Edge because that's the highest potency skill you can use at that position. At about 500ms before the GCD is ready, the profile will tell the game client to use Aeolian Edge. At about 400ms, you suddenly change to Flank position. The profile will still use Aeolian Edge and you will lose potency. Without skill queue enabled, the profile would have used Armor Crush (flank) for higher potency even with the sudden changes in position.

(11-25-2015, 12:09 PM)lnteractive Wrote:  How punishing is ping for ninjas?

The changes made in 3.1 removed mudra lag ingame. Ace has a fix for it for mmominion as well but I don't know if it's live yet or not.

Edit: I have a fix ready for near 100% uptime on dancing edge without a WAR in party. If it works after testing, I'll release it

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