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Namnafs Duty Pack
if you made the purchase you go back to the minion store and refresh store using the 2 Arrow circle button.
then scroll to the product you purchased and it will say install
hit install and your done.

ps. dont forget to refresh your bot if you already have it attached using ctrl+L, or go to control and select reload lua module.
Hey. my friends and I were stuck in WP HM at the entrance to the second boss due to the Sacred Standard and it kept fucking us over. Is there any better way to by pass it or just change some telecast options.
Yeah I need to clean up wphm. Shouldn't be too difficult
@Acientemblem I am unable to reproduce that bug. I'm not sure what happened. The script is written to destroy the mob prior to getting to the boss area. Maybe reload lua if you get to the boss area, although I wouldn't really understand how that could fail in that way. Let me know how it goes thanks
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The issue with WPHM is that the Sacred Standard was destroying the party and the mobs were resetting over and over again. We are all i205+ getting item synced down so it's not a gear issue (although we didn't use food, and honestly we shouldn't have to), but it'd be a lot better I'd think if the bot teleported to an area outside of the Stands AoE and just killed shit from there. It probably could have done it eventually, but it just seemed really inefficient.
Ah. Okay. Been working on setting some fight positions for the encounters before the 2nd boss involving that totem. Should make it an easier clear :) thanks for the information
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
It'd be appreciated. <3 Grinding that dungeon should really help to alleviate the Anima grind.
hi, i finally got my 4 accounts all 60 and unlocked the lvl60 dungeon.
and then i bought your duty pack, but it just died again and again in The Aetherochemical Research Facility.
is there anything can be done to fix the problem? maybe some skillprofiles u made?
#58 contains Sebbs' profiles. They might help. Food might help too :) best of luck
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
(12-19-2015, 12:19 PM)Namnaf Wrote: contains Sebbs' profiles. They might help. Food might help too :) best of luck

thanks, it works.
and i have a question, if i use the unregular party (like 3BLM 1WHM), theres more chance to get baned? or definitely get baned? or it just fine to do so and no need to worry?
I think more chance to get banned. I do not know for sure. Right now the duties are written for a standard group. Tyvm :)
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