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Blue Scrip - Collectibles - Cuprite & Morel
First and foremost I have to thank Ohm for the idea behind this scrip. I'm borrowing his skill profile as it works perfectly. Also, his layout on the post <3. Thanks to Sebbs & Ace for assisting me with the scrip as well. Should work flawlessly but I don't want to jinx myself!

Cuprite (mining) and Morel (botany) Collectibles!

  • Level 60 Miner and Botanist.
  • The skill profile, credit to Ohm, needs 600GP.
  • I have 772 Gathering and 754 Perception. You will be able to use this with a lot less though.
  • Go to the nodes first and "uncover"/discover the items! Sharp Vision III is your friend!
  • Once discovered remember to set the minimum collectible value up in the bot window (450 for both)
The skill profile shared uses the following rotation (which has also been frequently requested):
  • Use Discerning Eye
  • Use Impulsive appraisal (Has a 30% chance of activating Discerning eye again)
  • IF PROC Use Single Mind. IF NO PROC Use Discerning Eye
  • Impulsive appraisal
  • IF PROC Use Single Mind. IF NO PROC Use Discerning Eye
  • Use Methodical Appraisal
The skill profile can be used for both botanist and miner! Just note that before activating the bot make sure collectors glove is activated... Noticed that this doesn't always fire, so, you have been warned!

This rotation grants 2 and up to 4 collects (if you get lucky with procs) at 450+ collectibility!

If you find an error let me know and I'll get to it as fast as I can. I'm not a wizard 'arry. I'm still learning to write .lua

Skill profile goes in: C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles
Gather profile goes in: C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\GatherProfiles

Skill Profile:
Gathering Profile:

My Discord name is Jay if you need real time assistance.

1. Added Fire Moraine Collectibles for Aetherial Reduction. Gathers once per day for now. 
Do you really have I have 772 Gathering and 754 Perception? ;)

Trying this out now. Though I feel like it could be doing other things while waiting for pops. Perhaps?
I believe his purpose is simply to share a profile people will find useful or expand themselves.
Mostly what Sebbs said. I tried to get it to collect wind crystals inbetween but it wouldn't stop when the primary targets were up so I'm still messing with it. Right now I have it collecting Fire Moraine for aetherial reduction once a day but I haven't figured out how to get it to pop the node again during the window. I'll keep at it as I have time.
It works really good, I actually merged it with Ohm's and am getting great results. Good work!
Would you be willing to post what you merged it with so I can try it out as well?

Edit: I also just changed the gather profile link and added in the Fire Moraine gathering.
See attached,  I modified the gearset ID's for my own char so you'll have to change them. Capped Red Scrip in a day with this.

Heavy on Coridal's tho.

Attached Files
.rar   Metra - Red and Blue Scrip.rar (Size: 2.26 KB / Downloads: 207)
Definitely need cordials. I need to look to see if it's possible to use the new cordials for 400GP over the traditional 300GP Thanks for the post I'll check it out
Thanks Sadistik and Metra, the profiles work excellently :D
hi u can combine red and blue script in one profile ? =]

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