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Any way to emulate item3 for gathering profiles
Just wondering why we are limited to collecting only 6 types of collectibles, and to make it even worst only three types per job. Reason I'm asking is because i'm slapping together a cluster gathering profile and well i can set up the profile 100% correct, only problems is for example if i'm going for fire cluster's, it's ideal to go for Bright Fire Rock 1st rather then Fire Moraine but sometimes the Bright Rock isn't there so you have to go for the Moraine no matter what. Now here's where the problem comes in, lets say i'm going for fire and lightning clusters, so now i'm going for four types of collectibles, but the bot only gives me the option to select 3, so i have to default one of the clusters to just only moraine gathering since moraine is always found at the node. 

New Issue: I would like to gather in the order below but there is no item3 and the ["gatherrares"] = true; and/or ["gatherspecialrares"] = true; option(s) do not work for getting HiddenRare items i guess.

-Ideal setup I would like to have
Radiant Fire Moraine 1st
Bright Fire Rock 2nd
Fire Moraine 3rd

Radiant Lightning Moraine 1st
Bright Lightning Rock 2nd
Lightning Moraine 3rd
profiles can have unlimited numbers.

and setting the ui can screw it up if used wanting to farm normal items
(04-09-2016, 02:23 AM)sebbs Wrote:  profiles can have unlimited numbers.

and setting the ui can screw it up if used wanting to farm normal items

how do you set it up in the profile so it knows that it's a collectible.

[1] = {  -- Furymint @ 12AM-4AM (Botanist / Coerthas Western Highlands)
    ["minlevel"] = 59;
    ["maxlevel"] = 60;
    ["mapid"] = 397;
    ["radius"] = 300;
    ["pos"] = {
        ["x"] = -582.01;
        ["y"] = 138.51;
        ["z"] = -388.88;
        ["h"] = -1.83;
    ["type"] = "botany";
    ["item1"] = "Furymint";
    ["item2"] = "Highland Oregano";
    ["mingp"] = 600;
    ["eorzeaminhour"] = 0;
    ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 3;
    ["skillprofile"] = "Aetherial_Multi";
    ["resetdaily"] = true;
    ["gathermaps"] = false;
    ["gathergardening"] = false;
    ["usecordials"] = true;
    ["highpriority"] = true;
    ["unspoiled"] = true;
    ["usestealth"] = true;

eg: the above two items don't get collected as collectibles unless i set them up in the main menu along with the min collectible number i want them to have. Is it possibly the gatherrares that you are trying to point me to?

Edit: so ya whatever i thought would work didn't, and my problem is still the same if i don't set the items and their collect-ability rating in the main windows UI then the item will not gather as collectible items to be reduced into clusters/crystals later, as in the example picture below if those values aren't set the item will just be gathered as a regular item. Please if there's a way to ignore setting up the section in the below picture and to just set it up all in the profile itself, and to actually have a huge collectible list with their collectible ratings that you wish to have each item gathered at in the profile as well, please hook it up with an example so I can stop pulling out all my hair.

[Image: Collectable%20Gathering.png]
I used to just hard code it into the ffxiv_task_gather.lua file. Had to do it for fishing for awhile to fix this issue awhile back. 

Would need to know the itemid your looking for but I assume could you could take a similar approach as I did with the code below in regards to fishing.

If Ace added this to the tasks options in a more simplistic approach then I am unaware, I was always curious how Sebbs Gathering Profiles did it, yet cant take a peek.

Would need add the adjusted code to your current ffxiv_task_gather.lua around line 1634, and the drawback is it always flags adjusted files for update.

            if (info.itemid == 12825 and info.collectability >= 1526) then
                validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12830 and info.collectability >= 2441) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12837 and info.collectability >= 89) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12828 and info.collectability >= 813) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12774 and info.collectability >= 320) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12804 and info.collectability >= 826) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12831 and info.collectability >= 1) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12833 and info.collectability >= 1) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12821 and info.collectability >= 1) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12802 and info.collectability >= 1) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12784 and info.collectability >= 1) then
                    validCollectible = true
                elseif (info.itemid == 12761 and info.collectability >= 1) then
                    validCollectible = true
                fd("Collectability Test was ran",1)
lol sebbs man ur great found an old post that you talked about.....

["collectables"] = {
   ["Furymint"] = 300;
   ["Highland Oregano"] = 300;

which seems to have done the trick, thx

for anyone else interested in including the collectibles in their profile lists, i've included a full ex below for one gather spot

[1] = {  -- Furymint @ 12AM-4AM (Botanist / Coerthas Western Highlands)
    ["minlevel"] = 59;
    ["maxlevel"] = 60;
    ["mapid"] = 397;
    ["radius"] = 300;
    ["pos"] = {
        ["x"] = -582.01;
        ["y"] = 138.51;
        ["z"] = -388.88;
        ["h"] = -1.83;
    ["type"] = "botany";
    ["item1"] = "Furymint";
    ["item2"] = "Highland Oregano";
    ["mingp"] = 600;
    ["eorzeaminhour"] = 0;
    ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 3;
    ["skillprofile"] = "Aetherial_Multi";
    ["gathermaps"] = false;
    ["gathergardening"] = false;
    ["usecordials"] = true;
    ["highpriority"] = true;
    ["unspoiled"] = true;
    ["usestealth"] = true;
    ["collectables"] = {
        ["Furymint"] = 300;
        ["Highland Oregano"] = 300;
for my next question i guess since we're on the topic how would i gather three items? because in the profile it only allows you to include item1 and item2.
try the following:

["item1"] = "Radiant Fire Moraine";
["item1"] = "Bright Fire Rock";
["item1"] = "Fire Moraine";

this might work, as it will look for item 1 if first not up it might look for second number 1, and then perhaps third if not can Always put 2 for the 3rd one
only the bottom item 1 would work
item1 and item2 would work
(04-09-2016, 02:44 PM)sebbs Wrote:  only the bottom item 1 would work
item1 and item2 would work

can you implement blacklists/whitelists in gather profiles if so can i get a quick example, cause what if i just make like a blacklist to all the items i don't want from the node. or can i maybe put like two item id's per item. eg: item1: 22340,24234
hmm , just took that collectabiliy code and added to my profiles, that should be in the example file I would think

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