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Haru [Ninja][Combat Routine]
The opener can't be customized right now, the reworked version follows this version here:
If you have potions selected to be used, it picks the best you have available right now, but I can probably add that as an option.

The opener itself is a mini-routine in itself that follows some very careful logic so complete customization probably won't be possible right off the bat.
Thanks Ace I was just checking.
I can add basically any option given enough time, so just let me know what you guys feel like you might need.
Hope to have the new version up today, just a couple of little things I want to do to maximize buff usages.
I was in A5S...Our whm seems to use sprint a lot and making the goad to keep toss on whm like an idiot. Any way to prevent this too in upcoming changes.
It should never use goad on whm/sch/smn/blm/ast at any point or time anyways just disable it for them
Only tanks a couple DPS classes are allowed to receive Goad already, but it looks like possibly a bad variable was causing it to, I assume, just throw it on a target at random. I've never seen it happen, but that seems to be the only way it could happen. Easy fix, will just check it on both ends to make sure.
Also, anyway to customize the size of these toggle buttons. I am on 27in and even at 2560 x 1440 vs 1920 x 1080 they are quite big.
The spacing top/bottom padding.
I will add that to a future update.

I am building out an Advanced tab to allow users to see and customize some of the various factors I use for determining when to use certain abilities and then I will release this new version with a plethora of fixes.
Handed over the new version to the admins for upload, will update OP with changes..
Good Profile

Just a couple things:
-Huton (Out of Combat) = the profile seems to wait until the timer runs out until it casts the next huton (this can cause abit of a problem when the mob/s gets pulled and your left at 8-10 secs left w/ huton)
-Armor Crush = Dancing Edge/Shadow Edge seems to take priority over AC even when Huton is below the critical threshold timer.
-Kassatsu/Duality/Blood for Blodd = HP Check would be useful as it sometimes wastes this when mob is at really low hp.

Huton (Out of Combat) - Maybe raise the timer to <30s to recast huton
Armor Crush - 20s and below is a safe bet for the bot to force cast this and you reduce the chance of downtime on huton. (Force cast = Spinning Edge > Gust Slash > Armor Crush to avoid loss of dps)


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