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Blue Scrip - Collectibles - Cuprite & Morel
For red sricpts that's not needed, and if you're after something that high that tells me your going for gear, and if that's the case maybe it's time to whip out notepad and just change the skill profile that it's using to the one built into minion, I think it's called gather_550
Yeah it was but I got it to work with your aether sands profile. Now i'll just change it back to the original skill profile. thanks for the reply.
(06-13-2016, 11:15 PM)datsit Wrote:  Yeah it was but I got it to work with your aether sands profile. Now i'll just change it back to the original skill profile. thanks for the reply.

There you go smart thinking :)
Maybe I should have just posted this here instead of starting a new thread. I will copy and paste below. Other than coordinates, what is it about my code that is different from yours that makes it not work properly?
I've looked at the code that others have written which seem to work for them and tried to copy over myself with different coordinates. If the node happens to pop right near my first set of coordinates it will gather as it should. However if it spawns at the other locations my character will just sit in place doing nothing. I have tried to set the timeout to 2000, 5000, and 7500. Maybe all are too long?

Anyone able to take a quick gander at this code and spot an error?

[2] = { -- 1:00-3:00    Cuprite
          ["minlevel"] = 59;
          ["maxlevel"] = 60;
          ["mapid"] = 399;
          ["radius"] = 300;
          ["pos"] = {
              ["x"] = 767.28;
              ["y"] = 226.54;
              ["z"] = 380.95;
              ["h"] = 0.42;
          ["type"] = "mining";
          ["item1"] = "Cuprite";
          ["mingp"] = 600;
          ["lowpriority"] = true;
          ["eorzeaminhour"] = 1;
          ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 3;
          ["skillprofile"] = "Gathering (Scrips)";
          ["resetdaily"] = true;
          ["unspoiled"] = true;
          ["timeout"] = 2000;
          ["usestealth"] = true;
          ["collectables"] = {
              ["Cuprite"] = 450;
      [2] = { -- 1:00-3:00    Cuprite
          ["minlevel"] = 59;
          ["maxlevel"] = 60;
          ["mapid"] = 399;
          ["radius"] = 300;
          ["pos"] = {
              ["x"] = 566.10;
              ["y"] = 225.41;
              ["z"] = 428.99;
              ["h"] = -1.11;
          ["type"] = "mining";
          ["item1"] = "Cuprite";
          ["mingp"] = 600;
          ["lowpriority"] = true;
          ["eorzeaminhour"] = 1;
          ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 3;
          ["skillprofile"] = "Gathering (Scrips)";
          ["resetdaily"] = true;
          ["unspoiled"] = true;
          ["timeout"] = 2000;
          ["usestealth"] = true;
          ["collectables"] = {
              ["Cuprite"] = 450;
Because it has different locations, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but in my code I have 3 different locations with a set radius. For whatever reason you are not able to set a point say at the entrance to the map with an unlimited radius and expect the bot to find the node. So the 3 local locations with a still fairly large radius seems to allow it to do so. If you're after cuprite just copy my code, the bot moves place to place after about 10 seconds until it finds the node during its given spawn time. If you're after something else replicate what I've done for each possible node and pick a set of coordinates near that node. You can keep the other info the same such as GP, timers etc. Hope this explains it.

As for why it has to be done this way you can check with Sebbs or the others. There may be a better way but like you I tried it the single point way and couldn't make it work.
I will give a third location a shot. I do believe I tried that first but it is possible I just had them in crappy locations and out of range.

Appreciate the help!
For some reason my character fly's there put's on collectors glove then takes it off, then normally mines it
It's so strange my other character performs fine both have similar gear(all ironworks) both have collectibles and both have flying. One of my characters just equipes the collectors glove then removes it and just gathers it normally.
(07-14-2016, 09:31 AM)asaben Wrote:  It's so strange my other character performs fine both have similar gear(all ironworks) both have collectibles and both have flying. One of my characters just equipes the collectors glove then removes it and just gathers it normally.

haven't looked at the profile but it's probably due to collector glove is triggered by skill profile.

If use below code in gather profile it should be no problem

["Collectables"] = {
   ["item name"] = 451;

451 is the collectibitity value.
Bro I saw your reply on my post. I tried changing the name (skillprofile) to my liking withint your gather profile (reason: confusing when it's named as Gathering - Red Scrip thats why i want to change it) and after I edited all with skillprofile lines, it's not working. What else to rename with notepad++?

Thanks for this profile working great XD

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