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Tek's Aetherial v1.3 (Working as of patch 3.3)
avrandom - I kinda see where the problem is, it's within step 3 & 14 in the skillprofile, because after you manually use discerning eye, single mind shouldn't pop, instead Utmost caution should be getting used there, try bumping up the GP from 199 to maybe 250 and if that doesn't work try 299 since i was going off 600 GP at the time! (thanks for the full log, helped me pin point the problem, with that i knew what part of the rotation was messing up)

Let me know if that fixes the issues, please and thank you.
(07-08-2016, 06:22 AM)kidz14 Wrote:  Also instead of having to have all members go to page 12 I've now included the fix "to the reddit users rotation" on page 1 in the main post, just re-download and overwrite.
You're welcome for the fix to your skillmanager profile. Glad I could help!
(07-10-2016, 09:37 AM)artemon Wrote:  
(07-08-2016, 06:22 AM)kidz14 Wrote:  Also instead of having to have all members go to page 12 I've now included the fix "to the reddit users rotation" on page 1 in the main post, just re-download and overwrite.
You're welcome for the fix to your skillmanager profile. Glad I could help!

You're not thanked hoe, keep suckling on my left nut while i keep this foot in your ass, your attachment will faded, you didn't create nothing or fix anything, all you did was point scrub :) (didn't do any work all you did was move a arrow in an image script kiddie), btw you still have 0 rep you scrub even with your shit scripting and trying to make someone else's work your own shows how much your efforts are appreciated
Merging in my easy fix is thanks enough. Cheers.
(07-10-2016, 03:23 PM)artemon Wrote:  Merging in my easy fix is thanks enough. Cheers.

stop doing cheers with the air, and i didn't merge in your fix, i edited my own profile looser, instead of posting up a profile (technically mine) your dumb ass could have just let me known that the image on reddit was fucked up but i guess you're just as fucked up so it's okay.

avrandom - check at the top of page 14 for your fix, this dickhead doesn't like my foot in his ass so he'll just keep posting it seems, i wonder when the mods will take action to this asshole flooding my topic with unrelated posts.
(07-10-2016, 05:36 PM)kidz14 Wrote:  ...i didn't merge in your fix, i edited my own profile looser

...i wonder when the mods will take action to this asshole flooding my topic with unrelated posts.

Actually, you did. The file you uploaded is byte-for-byte identical to my fix. Complete with Sharp Vision/Field Mastery for 650+ GP and 96% gather rate. And tons of lines of auto generated nonsense. Well, no surprise.

[Image: vc4AOB5.png]

When did I go off topic? Have a look again. How am I supposed to know posting a fixed profile would enrage you, but finding out the point in the image that you misunderstood not? I was sincerely thankful and posted a helpful edit. I didn't know exactly what you got wrong, or how you got there wrong, or if you made it that way on purpose, but I knew how to fix it. It was simply the easiest way to share the correct rotation. I described clearly what I did with no emotion or disrespect. Fully crediting you, besides my clear modifications, and even leaving your name on the profile. You were enraged nonetheless.
----double post
(07-10-2016, 05:53 AM)kidz14 Wrote:  avrandom - I kinda see where the problem is, it's within step 3 & 14 in the skillprofile, because after you manually use discerning eye, single mind shouldn't pop, instead Utmost caution should be getting used there, try bumping up the GP from 199 to maybe 250 and if that doesn't work try 299 since i was going off 600 GP at the time! (thanks for the full log, helped me pin point the problem, with that i knew what part of the rotation was messing up)

Let me know if that fixes the issues, please and thank you.

I tried bumping these two gpmax values up, and the profile would actually obtain nothing, instead of gathering a normal item. I then reverted out the changes. I realized I had also updated the skill profile as you had posted, so I gave it a go. With the new skill profile, it did not fail @ 700GP I'll have to leave it running to see if it fails out when it attempts between 600 and 700 GP.

You begin harvesting.
You use Collector's Glove.
  You gain the effect of Collector's Glove.
You gain the effect of Discerning Eye.
You use Impulsive Appraisal.
Item rarity increases by 103.
Item wear increases by 10.
You use Field Mastery.
  You gain the effect of Gathering Rate Up.
You use Single Mind.
  You gain the effect of Single Mind.
You use Utmost Caution.
  You gain the effect of Utmost Caution.
You lose the effect of Discerning Eye.
You lose the effect of Utmost Caution.
You lose the effect of Single Mind.
You use Methodical Appraisal.
Item rarity increases by 172.
Item wear increases by 5.
You use Impulsive Appraisal.
Item rarity increases by 103.
Item wear increases by 10.
You use Utmost Caution.
  You gain the effect of Utmost Caution.
You use Discerning Eye.
  You gain the effect of Discerning Eye.
You lose the effect of Discerning Eye.
You lose the effect of Utmost Caution.
You use Methodical Appraisal.
Item rarity increases by 172.
Item wear increases by 5.
You obtain a handful of Lover's laurel leaves .
You finish harvesting.
(07-11-2016, 11:00 PM)avrandom Wrote:  With the new skill profile, it did not fail @ 700GP I'll have to leave it running to see if it fails out when it attempts between 600 and 700 GP.

Glad the new profile is working for you. Since I added Field Mastery/Sharp Vision, it seems it will work around your issue at 700 GP. It will break again at 750 GP or >=97% rate items with 700 GP.

[edit]Actually, the non hidden items like Lightning Moraine will be >= 97% gather rate, so they will break still. So a simple way to fix this for the Fast profiles is to delete the "96" from "Chance <=" from skill #1 and #12 (Field Mastery, Sharp Vision). This will kind of waste 50 GP on those items when above 649 GP, but it will work.
Heya i have got the last few days the same mistake with the Gathering Profil 451+ Slow. 

[Image: 9ba4e0-1468491122.jpg]

In the dravania foreland my charakter fly to the highest point of the area.

[Image: 50b7c9-1468491259.jpg]

9:58:27> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:27> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:28> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:28> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:29> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:29> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:30> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:30> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:31> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:31> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:32> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:32> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:33> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:33> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:34> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:34> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:35> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:36> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:36> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:37> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:37> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:38> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:38> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:39> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:39> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:40> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:40> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:41> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:41> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:42> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:42> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:43> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:43> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:44> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:44> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:45> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:46> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:46> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:47> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:47> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:48> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:48> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:49> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:49> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:50> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:50> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:51> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:51> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:52> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:52> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:53> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:53> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:54> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:54> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:55> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:56> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:56> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:57> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:57> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:58> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:58> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:59> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:58:59> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:0> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:0> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:1> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:1> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:2> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:2> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:3> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:3> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:4> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:4> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:5> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:6> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:6> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:7> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:7> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:8> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:8> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:9> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:9> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:10> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:10> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:11> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:11> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:12> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:12> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:13> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:13> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:14> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:14> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:15> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:16> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:16> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:17> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:17> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:18> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:18> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:19> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:19> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:20> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:20> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:21> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:21> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:22> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:22> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:23> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:23> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:24> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:24> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:25> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:26> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:26> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:27> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:27> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:28> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:28> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:29> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"
9:59:29> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-1] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [-569.8,590.7,543.2] to [-569.7,-97,547.1]"

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