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Bot goes near node, will not gather
I'm not sure how to post this, The character will go near the node but will not gather. multiple zones, multiple items. I've completely reinstalled windows/ffxiv/mmominion. nothing has fixed it yet. they just stutter in a circle near it just out of range.
(10-13-2016, 11:33 PM)deadangel Wrote:  I'm not sure how to post this, The character will go near the node but will not gather. multiple zones, multiple items. I've completely reinstalled windows/ffxiv/mmominion. nothing has fixed it yet. they just stutter in a circle near it just out of range.

* What OS are you running? Windows 10
* What AV is installed?(Antivirus) Windows defender - turned off
* Where is the bot installed?(installed path) c:\minionapp\bots\ffxivminion
* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed? nope
* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed? nope
* Did you follow the install instructions found HERE - yes
* Are you running the bot as admin? Everything should be running as an admin. I am the only user on this pc
* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client? Minion app is launching
*Are you running any Bot addons? no.
Oh wrong thread
My fps stays around 40 with two windows up. though, that's disconcerting on it's own. I have a 4th gen i7 with 16gb of ram and a 1080. I will check out my drivers for the system.
Turn off telehack if it's on, I had the same problem.
(10-14-2016, 02:15 PM)James Wrote:  Turn off telehack if it's on, I had the same problem.


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