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Problems installing Store Addon
Ok guys, i recently bought this store AddOn: Sebbs Gathering Classes.

But then the problems start, i have the isntall button but when i press it, except the button changing from install to remove, nothing happens.
Oh and the newest version show up as installed but the addon doesnt show up ingame or in the folder of the bot.

of course i startet the minionapp with admin right, deactivated the anti virus, even tried to change the right on the folder but its always thes
same. it shows up installed in the minionapp launcher but nowhere else.

except that the bot is running completely fine.
Use the correct store

there are 2.
32 and 64 versions
(04-15-2017, 01:30 AM)sebbs Wrote:  Use the correct store

there are 2.
32 and 64 versions

well thanks thats it.....
didnt see the 64 shop, it was completely at the end of the list.....

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