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REQ: Samurai profile
Requesting samurai profile please and thx
Dang beat me to it, I didn't even see this post until I posted mine. lol
Would love this
Not to be a dick, but do you think they weren't planning on doing one ASAP?
(06-18-2017, 04:26 AM)brandon79 Wrote:  Not to be a dick, but do you think they weren't planning on doing one ASAP?

Nah, not being a dick.... I am just excited is all I guess.
People are already posting the rotations for it
Been reading through the tutorials now that the skills are loaded into the skill manager and using the rotation bluemages posted however haven't had any luck yet someone far more experienced will most likely get it figured out before I do however I'll keep trying
(06-19-2017, 01:58 AM)deviantzero Wrote:  Been reading through the tutorials now that the skills are loaded into the skill manager and using the rotation bluemages posted however haven't had any luck yet someone far more experienced will most likely get it figured out before I do however I'll keep trying

How is anyone making profiles when SAM/RDM isn't an option under valid classess? Maybe I'm missing something.

Im not sure if I am doing this right but when I load any skill manager profile it doesnt show a valid class and I only ever had to select one to make edits. So I select the class make edits then deselect after I am done so there is no "valid" class set and keep only "This class only" checked

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