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FFXIV Navigation Bug(s)
Not sure if this is considered a navigation related issue but I've noticed a problem with the cube-floor connections around gathering nodes.

For some nodes the connection is right beside the node which is good. For others, the connection is a ways off. If we are looking for behaviour that is human like, than it would be nice to have the connections on top of all the nodes. No gatherer walks away from a node and then decides to fly away; they take off and land on nodes.

Another thing noticed. The cube mesh connection in The Lochs by the Ephemeral node doesn't work. The connection is literally on top of a mob which means when you land you die. The connection is about here:

["pos"] = {
["x"] = 375.70;
["y"] = 31.09;
["z"] = -582.2;
["h"] = -2.36;
New candy seems great! But thank you for everything, I've noticed a difference with the last patch and I really appreciate all those lines of code you had to process!!!!
Keep getting stuck no matter which profile I use eventually.
The bot will be unable to find a path it "seems" like and just keep going back and forth along the same green path line. (about 10 seconds on direction, then 10 seconds to the other direction)
Ill upload a vid soon, happens tons in the peaks especially and that's weather I use the bottox maps or the built in ones.
(07-30-2017, 11:40 PM)ghostclaire Wrote:  Another thing noticed. The cube mesh connection in The Lochs by the Ephemeral node doesn't work. The connection is literally on top of a mob which means when you land you die. The connection is about here:

["pos"] = {
["x"] = 375.70;
["y"] = 31.09;
["z"] = -582.2;
["h"] = -2.36;

I havnt got flying in lochs yet so cant fix it yet.
(08-01-2017, 03:53 AM)sebbs Wrote:  
(07-30-2017, 11:40 PM)ghostclaire Wrote:  Another thing noticed. The cube mesh connection in The Lochs by the Ephemeral node doesn't work. The connection is literally on top of a mob which means when you land you die. The connection is about here:

["pos"] = {
["x"] = 375.70;
["y"] = 31.09;
["z"] = -582.2;
["h"] = -2.36;

I havnt got flying in lochs yet so cant fix it yet.
Sebbs if  you want i can lend you and account so you can work on this? i got 1 spare bot im not using RN that you can use for meshing if you want? Also did you manage to take a look at the ephy mesh i sent you yet? Also to fix ur issue ghost set the Y to 45.09
Navmesh error.. Please wait.. for ever lol 
Upon the last update navmesh   ..The Dravanian Forelands gets stuck loading , I set bot to auto start so i cant stop it or move or do anything just loads the games and tries to load navmesh and just sits there i waited 10 min 2x

It finally started just at the 12 min marker the last time.
Delete the offending mesh from your Navigation folder, and let minionapp reget it.
I am also getting this.  It just starts to load and then never finishes loading the mesh.  I am unsure what you meant by remove the offending files.  I deleted the ones from my navigation folder that were installed today but other than that, not sure what I am to do.
(09-01-2017, 03:57 AM)superderg Wrote:  I am also getting this.  It just starts to load and then never finishes loading the mesh.  I am unsure what you meant by remove the offending files.  I deleted the ones from my navigation folder that were installed today but other than that, not sure what I am to do.

its working, im illiterate when it comes to tech..

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