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Zanci's Leveling recipes (60-70)
now its up to date.

Maybe i forgot to save the main post :-D
(09-16-2017, 09:58 PM)Zanci Wrote:  Thanks,
now its up to date.

Maybe i forgot to save the main post :-D

cool, thanks ;)
a question: I tried to make collectable Gyuki Leather errings, to level my LTW better (farming Tigerskins is hell, droprate really sucks), since that craft is a ilvl63, I'm at level 63, I used the L63 - 80D -i63 profile, but it fell short of finishing the recipe... I guess those 80D prifles are specifically made for the levelling quests? I had luck on another crafting job, where the 80D profile worked perfectly for collectables (obviously totally overdoing needed collect status, but it finished ;))
Yes the 80D profiles are only for the job quests. Never tested it for other recipes.
I'm currently doing my weaver, at lvl65 I have a problem... I try to do Kudzu thread (ilvl64), and I tried the L65-66 - 40D - i63 profile (fails to finish the synthesis one step short) and the L65-66 - 40D - I64 profile (does touches until there are no steps left, i.e. goes to DUR 0 and fails).
My Stats are craft 1022, Control 950, CP 434
Well it is for itemlvl 63 and not 64. I will check it later if is possible to change it.
(09-22-2017, 11:54 PM)Zanci Wrote:  Well it is for itemlvl 63 and not 64. I will check it later if is possible to change it.

as I said, I tested the i64 as well of course, the i63 was just a last resort test ;)
i checked L65-66 - 40D - i64 and found a little mistake in the rotation, but i can't imagine how it cause your issue. The crafting optimizer said that it should work with your stats and my min stats, but please test again, may it work now.
(09-23-2017, 07:50 AM)Zanci Wrote:  Okay,
i checked L65-66 - 40D - i64 and found a little mistake in the rotation, but i can't imagine how it cause your issue. The crafting optimizer said that it should work with your stats and my min stats, but please test again, may it work now.

you fixed it, thanks ;)
Outstanding job, thanks for sharing. Just started leveling my crafters and I had a 70 in 2 hours with these.

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