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Monk 4.0
Sharing my Monk profile i made based off Easymonk. It probably can be tweaked to be better but it works well enough for me. if anyone can make it better do please share but for now enjoy!

Opener based from.

V2 Edit.

Changed opener to the shorter opener didier linked.

for some reason i couldn't get fire tackle to work in the opener rotation so just use it yourself at the after steel peak.
also added true north in buffs (can disable it yourself if you don't want bot to use it whenever cd is ready)

Attached Files
.lua   EasyMonk4.0 v2.lua (Size: 288.95 KB / Downloads: 539)
.lua   EasyMonk4.0.lua (Size: 309.54 KB / Downloads: 69)
(09-27-2017, 11:10 PM)Zerox Wrote:  Sharing my Monk profile i made based off Easymonk. It probably can be tweaked to be better but it works well enough for me. if anyone can make it better do please share but for now enjoy!

Opener based from.

Thanks Zerox :)
4.X MNK Guide by Tiffany Liz of Gilgamesh
look opener based from :

But thanks for your works i appreciated !
Added shortened opener version.
Hi, i used this profile and the bot doesnt attack. Is there a level requirement?. Thanks in advance.
And it got all buggy, like.. 2 fps (i push over 150fps on this game)

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