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Some XIV and Minion Questions
Hey all, just got my like 8th suspension in wow so thinking of coming back to xiv.

Before dropping money on expac/minion I figured I'd ask about the state of the game. I played heavily through arr, and the beginning of hw but lost interest and went to wow.

How's Stormblood so far? More of the same from se or anything special?

And then hows the state of mmominion. I've tried other bots in the past but minion has always been my favorite and most reliable. We in good shape at the moment? Has se taken notice to botting yet? In arr I was like 4 boxing 24/7 with teleport hacks and never got so much as a suspension. In hw I heard more about ppl getting hit for teleporting so I stopped. Have things gotten stricter is se scanning for bots like blizzard does, or is it basically don't be an idiot and your mostly safe?

Yes, yes I know botting is never "safe" but just curious to see how xiv is since i haven't touched it in about a year.
I like stormblood. The Story is good as always, the New classes are smooth and the content fair enough. I guess that teleport hacking, farming 24/7 fates or shards are a good way to get a suspension. At the realease of sb they banned some ppl for afk in pvp :-D. But i guess it was not the store addon pvp shatter. Atm is pvp the best and safe way to level secondary classes. Also is the palace of the death grinder in beta a good way.

And yes if you dont be an idiot should it bei safe to use the bot. Always depending what you like to do. I think its not necessary to get all classes to 70 in a week. Take your time.

I can recomand the bot and for sure stormblood.


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