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"DNC +" 5.0 Skill Profile
(08-23-2019, 12:24 AM)snowolf69 Wrote:  TL;DR: New update available. NOTICE: Please be sure to unlock Technical Step from the level 70 quest once you reach level 70.

I'm guessing you just hit level 62. I did make a mistake in the level windows for Standard Step usage so I moved them around but once you hit 70 you will need to do the level 70 quest to unlock Technical Step.

I just hit 70 actually. I forgot about the quest. I'll bet that is what's wrong.
I not sure why it never uses standard step anymore. I did all the quests and have it unlocked, It only seems to reapply standard step if the standard step buff is already up after I manually pressed standard step.

I'm past 70, and I have technical step. And the thing works as normal as long as I do a manual standard step at the start. But if the bot somehow drops the standard step buff while dealing with mechanics for long it will never self standard step again.
yeah, it's not finishing standard for me either and i'm also past 70. noticing it's also not using the aoe combo either.
Fixed (hopefully).
Update available.
It's working perfectly now <3
Thanks for the update friend
Sorry about that. The GCD/OGCD execution auto-detection function of Minion doesn't seem to work well with a lot of the skills for newer classes. For the GNB and DNC profiles I've had to specify every skill as GCD or OGCD and its execution window or else it usually will not function correctly and I forgot one.
I've been using it and so far it does wonder. I don't think it realy need a 5.1 update. Thank you.
i have noticed that there are some fights where standard step and the aoe skills don't work. things like the second boss and goliath boss in the new 24 man don't set those skills of like other fights.

briefly tried it in eden savage and leviathan also doesn't set those skills off and neither does the second transition for titan. just thought i'd let you know, not really sure what is causing that.
If you've noticed, all bosses with this issue are the huge, half-their-bodies-are-in-the-arena sort of bosses. The issue with the dances and Standard Step is that they are AOEs centered around you, and are set to go off only if there are enemies detected within a set distance (configured in Skill Manager) around you. As these bosses' midpoints are too far to fall under that range, these AOEs do not go off. You can either manually trigger them just for these bosses, increase the range for these particular skills in Skill Manager → AOE → Enemy Range (I don't know what range would work though) or set the AOE → Enemies >= to 0, which will fire the skills even if there's nothing (or nothing detected) around you.

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