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Beta Findings
In case anyone is interested, I found a quick 'workaround' to automatically re-summon your pet in case of death while grinding.
1.) Start up ffxivminion. You MUST do this step first before modifying the ffxiv_helpers.lua file as the MD5 will be different and automatically overwrite the file if you do not.
2.) Open up ffxiv_helpers.lua in the LuaMods/ffxivminion folder with notepad/wordpad or any lua/text editor.
3.) Edit the GetNearestGrindAttackable to the following... Make sure to replace the 170 (which is the ID of Summon II) with the ID of the summon spell you wish to use.

function GetNearestGrindAttackable()
    local mypet =
    if ( TableSize(mypet) > 0) then
        ml_debug("Name: "..
        ml_debug("Summoning pet")
        -- Cast Summon II for now
        local skill = ActionList:Get(170)
        if (skill ~= nil) then
            if ( == 0) then
    local level = Player.level
    local el = EntityList("nearest,alive,attackable,onmesh,minLevel="..tostring(level-1)..",maxlevel="..tostring(level+1))
    if ( el ) then
        local i,e = next(el)
        if (i~=nil and e~=nil) then
            return e
    ml_debug("GetNearestAttackable() failed with no entity found matching params")
    return nil

4.) Reload the code by going to 'Control' -> 'Reload Lua Modules'

Question for the devs. It looks like the intended way to do this would be to update the ffxiv_combat_arcanist.lua file appropriately and then add my own 'menu' item which would stop/start that script instead. Is this the intended approach?
(10-06-2013, 08:43 AM)fxfire Wrote:  well for once, we were restarting our server stuff multiple times in the last 24h, each time you guys got kicked (results in ffx closing and sommeeetimes in a crash ;) )

Can you guys open always the BotStatus info when you bot and IF the screen goes gray, then you can at least see in what "task" the bot was in that moment. We need info on when it happens with more details. Because I'm running two bots like 24/7 here and have yet to see my first crash during normal grinding....

Tried it a few more times, like I said, seemed to be doing ok grinding in central shroud, but now I'm trying to do fate grinding in Aleport and it crashes to desktop constantly, monitoring to see what it was up to and it seems like its usually in movetopos task when it happens, dunno if its perhaps a mesh issue, I guess I could go try another zone.
(10-07-2013, 04:01 AM)an0nym1z3r Wrote:  In case anyone is interested, I found a quick 'workaround' to automatically re-summon your pet in case of death while grinding.
1.) Start up ffxivminion. You MUST do this step first before modifying the ffxiv_helpers.lua file as the MD5 will be different and automatically overwrite the file if you do not.
2.) Open up ffxiv_helpers.lua in the LuaMods/ffxivminion folder with notepad/wordpad or any lua/text editor.
3.) Edit the GetNearestGrindAttackable to the following... Make sure to replace the 170 (which is the ID of Summon II) with the ID of the summon spell you wish to use.

function GetNearestGrindAttackable()
    local mypet =
    if ( TableSize(mypet) > 0) then
        ml_debug("Name: "..
        ml_debug("Summoning pet")
        -- Cast Summon II for now
        local skill = ActionList:Get(170)
        if (skill ~= nil) then
            if ( == 0) then
    local level = Player.level
    local el = EntityList("nearest,alive,attackable,onmesh,minLevel="..tostring(level-1)..",maxlevel="..tostring(level+1))
    if ( el ) then
        local i,e = next(el)
        if (i~=nil and e~=nil) then
            return e
    ml_debug("GetNearestAttackable() failed with no entity found matching params")
    return nil

4.) Reload the code by going to 'Control' -> 'Reload Lua Modules'

Question for the devs. It looks like the intended way to do this would be to update the ffxiv_combat_arcanist.lua file appropriately and then add my own 'menu' item which would stop/start that script instead. Is this the intended approach?

The ffxiv_combat_arcanist task would not be called until you are in combat, so if you want to summon only in combat then you could add a cne to that task that checks to see if your pet is alive and summon if not. Also, be careful with this:

local skill = ActionList:Get(170)

The ActionList should actually be indexed using both an actionID and an actionType. The Get() call with only one param is basically overloaded to only check for general action types (spells only your class casts) but would not necessarily work for pet spells, general spells (teleport, return, etc), limit breaks, etc. The wiki has more information as well as a general (very slightly outdated but still 95% accurate) explanation of how the framework is designed to function:

If you'd like to contribute then please fork the repo and send a pull request with your code whenever you have something you'd like us to review and potentially add. Thanks for the interest and for sharing your code.
(10-07-2013, 01:54 AM)Sully13 Wrote:  Been running FATE grinding most of the day so will now post my observations. I have been running the Western La Noscea mesh and added three grind markers. I was grinding fates with Max lvl of 22 and min lvl of 20. I set an evac point in Aleport on the mesh. Most of the time I did fates with grinding but set it to fate only for a while to test evac point.

1. I had no crashing problems the entire time. Bot ran very stable.
2. Evac worked perfectly. At one point I checked do only FATE and he would return to the evac point whenever a fate was not active, just like he should.
3. Seems to ignore the FATE level designations. He would continue to go to FATES that were more than 5 levels below the min setting. That would not be so bad except for the next problem.
4. I can't find a way to activate the level synchronization when he goes to a fate which is more than 5 levels below. The synch window pops up and, unless I manually clicked on the synch level button, he just tries to attack and gets the error he is too high a level for the fate. If I click the synch button his level is adjusted and everything happens as it should. There is good xp to be had from doing fates that require level synchronization so I hope there will be a way to address this problem, especially since the min level doesn't seem to be working.
5. Several times during the day the bot would move to a fate or a grind spot and just stand there and do nothing. When he was just standing like that the task was always MOVETOPOS. Several times I let it go like that for several minutes to see if he would ever activate again, but he never did. If I moved him with the keyboard he would start moving again or attacking if mobs were around but that was the only way he would recover. I observed this happening at fate locations as well as grind spots and it happened a good 6 to 9 times over a 2 to 3 hour period.

6. I am running a lvl 20 Thaumaturge with a fairly simple skill manager profile. When playing manually I use the following attack rotation:
fire, fire, fire, transpose, blizzard blizzard (at this point the mob is usually dead). This rotations takes advantage of Astral Fire and Ice and conserves MP so I never run out, but the transpose is an important part as it converts the astral fire to ice and vice versa. I haven't been able to figure out how to get the skill manager to perform this rotation, especially using transpose at the proper time. As a result, my dps and mp usage is very sub-optimal when botting. If anyone knows how to do this please educate me.

That's it. I think mmominion is doing quite well considering it is only day 2 of the beta. Great job and hopefully some of my observation will be helpful.

i can confirm i have the same issues as #3,4,5

Also would like to add my memory usage on the bot increases my FFXIV slowly throughout time, starting at 600k all the way up to over a gig
- Assist - assist seems to be working nicely again. If, however, I run straight thru a mob that is about to perform a frontal-cone attack, the assist bot won't automatically face the target again and continue combat after I've run straight thru the mob. If I turn manually or manually trigger an attack so that the game auto-faces the mob again, assist will resume. It won't do this automagically which is a shame for the Assist feature.
Weird couple of bugs I've run into with gathering. One, if I set up item 1 and 2 as priority, it'll take 2 even if 1 is available. The other thing is, often, when it removes stealth I keep walking, and have to manually switch back to run.
had to delete the install and reinstall remesh everything but its working again.
I've tried to untick and tick the show path several times on the public 12-15 profile but the red line is still showing. Not sure what is going on ;/
Whenever you start your bot just go to meshmanager, tick the show path on and then off. Don't start the bot before you've done this.
If you do this after you started the bot, the red line will stay on the last position it was.
The biggest problem so far is still the mesh not generating over walkable areas. The item list seems to be taken out and replaced with typing. Typing something in there does nothing for me. Would like to see "If full, log out" or something like that.

*just read the post about hitting ctrl I went back and fixed most of the mesh. Some spots it still didn't want to make walkable. It seemed to do the corners in those spots but just wouldn't take the whole thing. Not too big of a problem. Holding ctrl really fixed the pathing ALOT*

*Figured out you need to check "Activated" under the "GeneralSettings" drop down in "GatherManger" to enable the item priority.*

do we have a list somewhere of other useful commands like that I haven't seen?

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