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Changelog (Updated 30/06/14)
i really BEG for an update... it's a pain int the ass to fate grind without mount... though the most fates end before i'm there :D

BTW: Good work, if you keep it up that way you'll have a new customer ;)
The Update has been pushed...please note that mounting was not included. During testing we found that our navigation system was pathing slightly too close to walls/objects for the mount bounding box which was leading to some navigation problems. We're updating the navigation system currently and mounting should be fixed up in the near future. In the short term, using sprint is almost as good, but I know it's not quite as fast as mounting and on some higher level maps could still leave you late to the fates. We'll get it sorted out as quickly as we are able.
(10-13-2013, 03:15 PM)f3re Wrote:  The Update has been pushed...please note that mounting was not included. During testing we found that our navigation system was pathing slightly too close to walls/objects for the mount bounding box which was leading to some navigation problems. We're updating the navigation system currently and mounting should be fixed up in the near future. In the short term, using sprint is almost as good, but I know it's not quite as fast as mounting and on some higher level maps could still leave you late to the fates. We'll get it sorted out as quickly as we are able.

Hey, currently use sprint is broken (not exactly broke but). I activated it while on Gathering, set distance at 10, and pop I sprinted to the first Node. Bot start gathering the materials. After that, when the bot was about going to second node, the bot will stay at the position not moving and keep pressing Sprint (Which is still on Cooldown). The bot waited until the sprint CD goes off, and will start sprint->move again after that.

Can't you make it like....
"Hey use sprint, if the sprint is on CD -> just walk and try sprinting again later"
Instead of
"Hey use sprint, you can only move after the sprint is in effect"

It's kinda troubling when the distance between Nodes are short like on my current map.
Regarding todays (13/10/2013) update, the bot always wait the sprint colddown, casts it and then start running. Is it possible to cast sprint while running from node to node?
so crafting is not in the updates?
TBH i totally understand that you wanted to pull out a absolutely perfect working Update but: At least after level 30 players can see if you are botting or you're a natural player cause... no one runs to fates not using his mount if able to.... You should really set this to one top prio "To-Do" on your list please.

For someone like me, wo uses the fate grind to level second/third/etc. Class/Job currently in this state it's really risky to bot.

But i really appreciate you're work and your will to bring this bot to a nearly perfect state, therefor a really big !Thumbs Up!
I think it's been just pushed... might be wrong tho

*NVM* read through comments
The version of sprint that went out with the bot was not current, I've pushed the working version out now, sorry for the mixup. As far as mount, we'll get it in the bot as soon as possible, but the idea that you're going to get reported for not being mounted is absurd. What is the ticket going to say: "saw this guy running, looked like he was going to a fate, but he was not mounted...definitive proof that he is a bot"
didn't said that it's going to be reported at first hand, but the "Bot like behavior" could easily checked by SE. If there are enough "Suspicious" Resports they might check a little deeper and they will found some behaviour which may point to the fact that you're using a bot i.E. always run to the exact same spot after Fate (EvacPoint) etc. Within WoW they just found the bots by Checking more than one Behavior. Ya know what i mean?

It's suspicious to other players, they probably report you cause they think you could be a bot, se looks deeper into your recent behaviour... bang there you go.

And it's not a great chain to conclude if someone uses a bot tbh.
(10-13-2013, 03:56 PM)filewalker Wrote:  It's suspicious to other players, they probably report you cause they think you could be a bot, se looks deeper into your recent behaviour... bang there you go.

I doubt se has the manpower to have their security team personally look into the behavior of every report that comes through. That being said, everyone is entitled to their paranoia, and it certainly doesn't hurt to be as safe as possible. Mounting is in the bot and ready to go (in fact its in the current lua now, the UI options just aren't exposed). I'm confident that as soon as our navigation guru gets a few minutes free to make some tweaks we'll be ready to go.

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