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Changelog (Updated 30/06/14)
Since last patch the grind mode doesn't seem to attack anymore. Everything is enabled how I use to grind, the bot walks to the mob, targets it and stops. The task seems to be stuck @ LT_SM_KILLTARGET.

I try'd a custom skillmanager and the already in one both doesn't work.
running to fate is not bot behavior; I've seen ppl do it, i've done it. people getting stuck on a rock,tree,wall and they keep running at it, trying to jump over it... definitely botting.
erm..i am testing the use sprint now and i had tick but is not using sprint...
Trouble with the new update.

Bot will not do fates only, even if the box is checked, it will start attacking mobs nearby. Even if there are fates to do. Also seems to ignore specified level conditions. I tried putting attack mob to +0 -0 but it still attacks all mobs.
The bot has had some targeting modifications to allow it to detect when mobs have aggroed on it and fight back...currently this is causing some situations where the bot might attack 1-2 non-fate mobs even when "Fates Only" has been enabled. However, we haven't seen any scenario where the bot continues to grind non-fate mobs for extended periods of time when "Fates Only" is most it kills 1-2 mobs and then returns to your evac point. If you have no set an evac point then there's a possibility that it may continue attacking mobs if they are nearby and hostile. Make sure your evac point is setup correctly. The level conditions only apply to the regular grinding mode, not to fates or aggroed mobs.
I'll Try that out, i do have an evac point, and I may have been just being impatient.

Also, the mounting does seem to be included but when using it, it causes my character to spasm out in place.

Also I seem to have difficulties just continually doing fates, it seems as though the bot tries to return to the evac point every time before heading to the next fate, and idk if it's the mesh i'm using, but it's ignoring alot of Fates in Coerthas, even though they are meshed, and it recognizes them in the Fateindex as well as meeting all parameters I have set.

It only participates in these certain fates automatically if i move manually close enough, it will not move to them from my evac point.
The fates problem sounds like a meshing issue...that zone is notoriously hard to mesh with the current system. The fact that it participates in them when you move there suggests that its having difficulty generating a path from your evac point. If you're using a mesh from the forums, post the fates it wn't do int the forum thread so the author can check them out and report to us if the bug is tied to the meshing/navigation system.

As for the bot returning to the evac point I noticed this earlier myself...I'll modify the code so that the bot breaks out of the evac task if a fate is detected. I'll try to get it pushed within the next 24 hours. Thanks for the information.

Also, please see the top of the changelog for information on mounting. It should not be used in its current state and was not meant to be exposed in the GUI for this release.
honestly, i would remove that attacking nearby mobs thing after fate, it's causeing me alot of problems. esp with escort quests - once the fate moves out of range of you, it will attack any aggroed mobs nearby, even ones not aggroed to the player, EVEN ones that are part of someone else's private levequest.

In reality, everyone ignores mobs that may have aggroed to them during the fates and just runs away. It's a waste of time.
This bot is amazing bro. Thanks for all your hard work. I hope you get well compensated :D
I think there needs to be a conditional in the casting on ally logic. The ActionList:CanCast function isn't preventing the bot from casting a heal spell on the enemy if it can't find an ally. I just added an additional conditional in the Cast function for now and it works.

                                                            elseif ( skill.trg == "Ally" ) then
                            if ( ally ~= nil and ~= PID) then
                                target = ally
                                TID =
                                tbuffs = ally.buffs
                               castable = false

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