10-09-2013, 08:22 PM
Hi, I hope someone can help me im so terrible at this! *feels bad*
I wish I had more time (im even at work as we speak) to read through the lua wiki (I will soon!) but currently I don't and it's making me a bit confused.
so I hope someone could point me in the right direction! :D
lil while back I was asking on how to get the bot only attack a certain mobs that I want him to attack in the grind mode and this code was brought up:
Now i'm getting really confused by this currently. Where do I exactly have to change the names(or put in) of the mobs that I want it to attack.
Again sorry for the dumb question but I just don't have the time currently to read through the wiki @_@
Thanks allot if someone can put me in the right direction!
I wish I had more time (im even at work as we speak) to read through the lua wiki (I will soon!) but currently I don't and it's making me a bit confused.
so I hope someone could point me in the right direction! :D
lil while back I was asking on how to get the bot only attack a certain mobs that I want him to attack in the grind mode and this code was brought up:
function GetNearestGrindAttackable()
local level = Player.level
local el = EntityList("nearest,alive,attackable,onmesh,minLevel="..tostring(level-1)..",maxlevel="..tostring(level+1))
if ( el ) then
local i,e = next(el)
if (i~=nil and e~=nil) then
return e
ml_debug("GetNearestAttackable() failed with no entity found matching params")
return nil
Now i'm getting really confused by this currently. Where do I exactly have to change the names(or put in) of the mobs that I want it to attack.
Again sorry for the dumb question but I just don't have the time currently to read through the wiki @_@
Thanks allot if someone can put me in the right direction!