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CPU & Ram usage

I want to know what's the difference between Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV looking at the CPU & RAM? Ty.
GW2 needs more GPU and CPU then GW2. If you can run like 8 GW2 clients on your PC easily, trying 4 FFXIV will probably kneel it.
(11-20-2013, 05:11 PM)Gabi Wrote:  FFX needs more GPU and CPU then GW2. If you can run like 8 GW2 clients on your PC easily, trying 4 FFXIV will probably kneel it.
Also there is a way to turn off rendering, so i'm not sure thats the case :P Also for me both GW2 and FFX eat 6-8% of CPU, sometimes spiking to 15-16 but that's rare :)
I heard that there is an option to disable rendering of the window but I don't understand why I need to disable it by hand when the bot could look at the window states and disable it automatically when the window is minimized.

I want to ask about profit's ($) compared to GW2 too, but I don't think it's a question for this thread.
Does disable rendering reducing the CPU usage?
not significantly. It reduces GPU usage mostly.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Where is the option to disable rendering?

EDIT: Nevermind. I found it. This helps a LOT. Now I can actually play other games. Thanks a ton guys! Great work!
Still don't know why it's not automated (disable rendering on minimized state).
Where is this disable rendering option? Is it this?
(11-21-2013, 02:01 PM)Tormiasz Wrote:  Still don't know why it's not automated (disable rendering on minimized state).

its not automated because we did not build it that way. hope that answers the question.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.

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