I would like API functionality added for the following.
--De/Buff Stack Count, Buff examples of this are AetherFlow(ARC,SCH,SMN)
--Skill Combo Flag? The current system of previous skill id works to some degree however does not account for changes in the active game state, or the ability to perform a combo lasting, even if a skill outside of the combo is used. An example of this can be found with GLD/PLD's Fast Blade --> Savage Blade --> Rage of Halone, this combo is not interrupted by using many other skills including Shield Swipe, Mercy Strike, Circle of Scorn, Spirits Within. As such the best part of the Combo Halone is often skipped over because of the current method.
--I've Noticed that pet skills will be Spammed, the bot is not detecting if they are ready to be cast.
It is important to note that pet's have a Global Cool down separate from players and that there skill can be used simultaneously.
function PetPartyHealAssist()
local pet = Player.pet
local PetHeals = ActionList("type=11")
local PetHeal = PetHeals[32]
if pet.contentid == 1399 then
local PetHeal = PetHeals[36]
local acPetHeal = ActionList:Get(PetHeal.id,PetHealTarget.id,13)
local PetHealTarget = GetBestSummonHealTarget()
if Debugy == "1" then
d("Entering Pet Heal Assist = "..tostring(PetHealTarget.name))
if (PetHealTarget ~= nil) and(PetHealTarget.hp.percent < 100) then
if Debugy == "1" then
d("Preparing to Cast Embrace On = "..tostring(PetHealTarget.name)..", Hp Percentage at = "..tostring(PetHealTarget.hp.percent))
if ( pet ~= nil and pet ~= 0) then
if (acPetHeal.isready) then
"if (acPetHeal.isready) then" this line of code should just like for players prevent massive spam of a skill, it does not from my last observation functioned as intended.
--Chocobo Companion State/Status. To my knowledge there is no way to find your chocobo's current stance. The ability to cast their skills works great however I have to basically do a skill spam to change the chocobo's stance. So I would like this functionality added.
--I would really like to be able to do interrupts for certain actions. However finding the actionid from the dev window for the exact action you want to interrupt is near impossible. Since the actions move so quickly and you really have no way of knowing which is which. I've looked around on xivdb.com but the id listed there were never even seen popping up on the dev module. Either way I'd like to know how to find the right action/id/whatever. Also trial and error doesn't really work for this as I wanna get this setup for Coil(raid/Hardest dungeon in the game atm) I have no way of stareing at the dev module during the fight nor the time or ability to be able to stand there and screw with code to get this information.
--Also is there any chance/way to know what skills/ability's your party member are using?Maybe with the use focus target?
There's still a laundry list of other things I need added but this is what I need for things I have written right now.