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Changelog (Updated 30/06/14)
(11-25-2013, 10:41 PM)yetihunter01 Wrote:  
(11-25-2013, 08:49 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  
(11-25-2013, 07:32 PM)yetihunter01 Wrote:  
(11-24-2013, 11:47 AM)Powder Wrote:  Yep, we disable their 2 client limit once you attach the bot.
Hy there, maybe i do somthing wrong!
Start game1,logint with the character, login bot-->cool!
start game2, same step, try to login bot, write the bot code and my mmominion pw, press login, and get back the bot login window, and i keep try pressing that login button but nothing..
the first bot working correctly, but the second just dont want to injected..
sorry for my english

do you have more hten 1 CD key for the bot? each code runs 1 bot

what? 1 bot 1 cliens? i thought i can use 1 bot and many game...if that is true my problem solved..

read what it says when you buy it. Says each code is good for 1 bot.
I don't see why the changelog thread would be a good place to ask this. Anyway updated Nov 25th :)
this new build makes my FFXIV client framerate drop at random times.. >.<
can't seem to login after the update :/
its fine with me
(11-25-2013, 09:08 PM)f3re Wrote:  
(11-25-2013, 06:57 PM)mumitroll Wrote:  It seem "Set Evac" point does not work. Atleast the console does not give any output on using this function and the bot does not really run back after a Fate

It's working fine for me currently. Do you have "Fates Only" checked?

Yep it is.
Anyway to change the 'stuck' safety feature works? I came back to my gathering bot only to find him jumping up against a wall for God only knows how long, trying to get around a 2ft section of boulder that was in his way. \

make sure your meshes are ok before you afk bot. If you find problems in the 100% meshes from the forum, make a screenshot and let the author know about it.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Have a problem with farming atm... bot move to farm spot aka tree aka mine node.. stands there does nothing... Click node by hand it starts working, runs to next node... and again nothing..reloaded, restarted.. nothing.

Console only reports:

D ="LT_GATHER->Update[]"
D ="LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch[]"
D ="LT_GATHER->Process[]"
D ="LT_GATHER->Update[]returning"

[this in a loop]

any idea's ??

----- Update -----

tried Latty's bot and mine meshes... not working.
Used Latty's 100% and it works...
Back to my private mesh... not working strange.... prolly have to redo them :P
Till last updates, my fates mesh aren't working well anymore.

I don't know what you updated but I used them for days and now it does not run properly even 1hour.
My character get stuck into a wall where the floor isn't even into my mesh triangle.

Any ideas or w have to rebuild new meshes ?

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