12-01-2013, 08:20 PM
Can anyone else confirm this happening, I cannot replicate this behavior when I try.
Fate grinding bug
12-01-2013, 08:20 PM
Can anyone else confirm this happening, I cannot replicate this behavior when I try.
12-01-2013, 08:51 PM
I am also having this happen when I start up my fate bot. I also have Do Fates and Fates Only ticked and have set the EvacPoint. Didn't have this before until recently.
12-01-2013, 08:56 PM
(12-01-2013, 08:20 PM)Powder Wrote: Can anyone else confirm this happening, I cannot replicate this behavior when I try. What i noticed is this: "If=get aggro before entering FATE" Runs to fate --> Dismount --> have/get aggro from normal none fate mob --> stops to run to fate target and first tries to kill none fate mob, then he goes to fate mob(s) but if really populated you never get a shot at a fate mob as you take to long to kill none fate mob. "If=Gets in FATE and attacking FATE mob(s)" Runs to FATE --> Dismount --> Has no none FATE mob aggro --> Targets FATE mob(s) --> Pulls aggro from none FATE mob --> Keep on attacking FATE mob(s) --> FATE at end or in some i've seen it before FATE ends it starts to attack the aggro-ed none FATE mob(s) around the FATE area. It's depending on map and FATE, seems to happen more in low lvl then End game lvl (north THan. working perfect, Costa del sol, kinda working only goes attacking none fate's at Cancer FATE. Western Than.. again this is a hell.. every time it almost misses a FATE by being attack and attacking back of the none FATE mob(s). The is no log i can report as of it doesn't report what it's attacking, we kinda need a Skillmaster log for this.. now we at that i really would love to have that so see what my routine is doing and how to perfect it. So to answer your question.. yes this is happening to more then 1!! ( running 3 bots atm.. al diff zones al having the above problems.. kinda annoying.. as they prolly end up with a report if i let them stay to long.. as seen some jumping on a rock (don't know for how long) or walking straight in a wall for god knows how long... :P but that could be mesh related. one other thing, what i've not tested yet.. might be class/job related also.. but using melee and ranged.. here and all have it. but could be an idea to try diff class/job to replicate it. Hope this helps although i think you can't do S**T whit this info .. :-(
I've been running 1-20 ranged doing fates. even if i do not enable "fates only" and i'am engaged in combat with a non fate mob it instantly breaks off combat and runs to the next fate when it pops up. Do you have ban times for fates set ? what i did see happen on fates that don't progress if you kill fate mobs was that it was killing fate mobs till the blacklist timer kicked in, then it switched to non fate mobs even though fate mob where available, because the fate had just been blacklisted. I have my fate blacklist timer set to 240 and wait for fate completion is 0, btw.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
12-01-2013, 11:29 PM
I had then on bam timer 120 (standard in bot base)
Will set it to 240, might be the case. gonna run then again 2mow. and let you know how it goes . thx for the hint tho :P
12-01-2013, 11:41 PM
This is the behavior my bot does. If i have Do fates Do fates only. My bot will only attack fate mobs and return to evac point if no fates open. If i have DO fates and nothing else ticked. it will grind around my grind marker untill a fate pops instantly leave the mob even if its in combat with one it will sprint away towards the fate. once it drops agro it will mount up and run to fate.
12-01-2013, 11:45 PM
Changing the blacklist timer to 240. Also I've been having my wait for completed set always at 0%.
Will see how it goes.
12-02-2013, 01:55 AM
Welp, after bellyful ended and my character was going to run back to town (Still unmounted) a mob aggroed me... Character then proceeded to kill it, mount then run back to town.
Doesn't seem to want to ignore the mob still :\
12-02-2013, 03:08 AM
Yea... Moved to CeruleumPP and while running to a fate a mob aggro'd me on my mount. It got to the fate but decides to run back to the aggro mob to kill it FIRST before prioritizing the fate boss.
Had to control my character from trying to kill it cause it was level 49 and I was lvl 44... It just hinders fate grinding by a decent bit. I am not really sure how some people are getting it and some aren't. It really is annoying. This might not be much of a problem but my character is a healer and it takes so bloody long to kill the 49 monster. By the time it's dead the fate's already over! Can't go afk fate grinding without constantly monitoring the bot now. LOL just watched my friend's bot died to 2 lv 48-49 monsters due to it running back to attack the monster that aggro'd it on the mount rather then running to the fate... PLEASE FIX OR SOMETHING. The pathing in CPP always have aggro mobs between the fates because it's not a huge area and now I can't even bot here cause all 2 of my bots and 2 of my friend's bots rather run back to try to kill aggro mobs. It was irritating in Coerthas but now it's just unbearable... I had to go back to Coerthas for a slower safer lvling just because my dumb bot was running back to attack non-fate mobs that aggrod me... I watched it played out as it just attacked lv48-49 non fate monsters as 3 parts of DD ended. Here's a link of a video I shot while I had my bot go back to CPP. In the vid you can see that as it runs to the fate, it gets aggrod by a basilisk. It stops running to the fate, runs to the basilisk, tries to kill it. Of course it takes ages to kill it resulting in the fate ending. I also show my fate/grind settings... Which are all set perfectly! Videos bit blurry cause first time recording but fate settings: ![]() Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGsKu_II...e=youtu.be
12-02-2013, 07:32 AM
Came back after a few hours of grinding in Coerthas to find one of my bot spam jumping a boulder... It's behind by 1 level god knows how long it's been doing this.
Probably got reported for it =_=;; What's going on with the bot?! It was working fine a few days ago... I even monitored it for an hour everything worked fine. Went to sleep, woke up in the middle of the night to find one bot wall spamming probably for ages since it was far behind in exp! Probably got reported by everyone running past in Coerthas... incoming ban hammer tomorrow wow. Bot was working fine until the few recent updates. |