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Changelog (Updated 30/06/14)
the new minion update did break something for me.
Have reloaded several times but bot doesn't attack at any means.
Runs to target ---> target locked ---> stand there gets killed --> re spawn

rinse repeat.

No real help from console:

D ="LT_FATE->Update[]"
D ="LT_FATE->ProcessOverWatch"
D ="LT_FATE sending update to subtask LT_KILLTARGET"
D ="getNearestAttackable[]failed with no entity found matching params"
D ="LT_KILLTARGET sending update to subtask LT_SM_KILLTARGET"
D ="LT_SM_KILLTARGET->Update[]returning"
D ="LT_KILLTARGET->Update[]returning"
D ="LT_FATE->Update[]returning"
D ="LT_GRIND->Update[]returning"

that's all i have in log.

Got a second bot running working, other class tho, had the same problem with that one, logged out restarted it nothing 4x lua reload and it worked.
3 fates down the line.. it stopped again like the other ones. Grrrrr it seems to happen when i switch between bots to see if they still run perfectly.
what was in the new update today?
TY hmmm it didnt show the thread as being updated when i posted that i should of checked first haha
Guys pliss add re loger its very hard to farm with 4+ client;s they crash all the time ;/
I only get crashes when i do something dumb like reload the bot with the nav mesh still active after a long session. But i do get 90k errors alot. What i been doing is launching the game via isboxer then the bots and havinga macro send num pad 0 and having isboxer broadcast that to all game clients every 15 seconds. This way if i get 90k error the numpad 0s will go through the steps of putting me back in the game.
(12-05-2013, 09:48 AM)fxfire Wrote:  I have not seen my ffxivminion bots crash, never! And I havent heared of anyone in our dev-team either who has experienced a crash.
I would suggest you remove all additionally installed lua modules and then run the bot, it will solve the crashing issue you were having. add the modules back one by one and it is gone. Another user told me yesterday that the lua module "Gather Helper" is causing his bots to crash, so if you have that, remove it.

That was fixed once he updated the skill manager for it. I'm still using gather helper just for a quicker drop down list setup for skills. But ya, adding them one by one and seeing which one is causing the crash is the best way to go about it. All my crashed I've had have been from lua mods
so with the new changes ; i can make a skill only fire if it has ;=both skills? and ,=or skills?
not yet, this is to do with the entitylist
I love the new Range setting under grind. Its awesome works really well.
Will the maps update via the launcher as Latty updates his?

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