12-11-2013, 12:39 PM
1) I'm boting on my cnj/whm, and when i do FATEs, he's not using skill, named "medica" (mass heal) and i dunno why...I try to make it works in many ways, but it dont want to work... I set "ally", max range "15", "use where target hp below" 70-80%...Mb smb know what to do? Without it bot healing all group with simply cure...
2) In some FATEs there is no-fate mob, that atacking my bot and he's dont kill him, simply atack only fates-mobs and healing itself while taking damage from that 1-2 no-fate mob(s)...Can i fix it? Or i need to disable "fates only" in grind menu (but bot will grinding other mobs, while there are no FATEs around, and i dont want him to do it...).
3)There are some FATEs, as delivery, is it still no function to make bot speaking with npc, while it's fate time?
4) There are some FATes, as big boss with minions, can i make my bot atack only boss and not atack his minions (as FATE named "It's no Lupin" in CdS)? Or i can do it only with help assist menu (but i dont want to bot in all next FATEs only assists...)
5) Doest it still no function to return bot in FATEs grinding zone after death?
6) Do smb make FATEs grind (MeshManager) in Coerthas (dragonhead), Quarrymill, Mor Dhona? If it's work properly (bot doesn't jam in rocks, etc.) can u share it plz 
7) And can i make simply grinding mobs to raise up my chocobo? In that case i wanna to summon him every 30 minutes, how can i do it with help ff14minion? Or i can only grind with bot and use auto-clicker or macroses to summon it every 30 minutes?
8) Is it still no configurations for grinding instances, as WP? 
Ty for ur answers!
Ou, and 1 more:
9) Is it no function for bot to repair his gear? Repair with help of npc or by itself (with crafters jobs)? It'll be great function not only for grindind, but gathering and crafting 2...
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1. someone will have to look into it, i never group grinded
2. working as intended, fate mobs first, ignore everything else
3. not working and will not be in anytime soon
4. if we target the boss only, it will run through all other fate mobs, not sure if you want that. and it aint that easy to identify the boss. we may add an option to go most HP first, that will make it go directly for the boss.
5. it returns to the aetherite you set as your homepoint when it dies.
6. you can use lattys 100% meshes, they will soon be part of the bots default download but are available on the forum
7. if summoning is a normal ability someone may write an addon for you to resummon it when its gone, not part of the bot.
8. no
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
(12-11-2013, 12:53 PM)HansW Wrote: 1. someone will have to look into it, i never group grinded
3. not working and will not be in anytime soon
5. it returns to the aetherite you set as your homepoint when it dies.
7. if summoning is a normal ability someone may write an addon for you to resummon it when its gone, not part of the bot.
8. no ty!
(12-11-2013, 12:53 PM)HansW Wrote: 2. working as intended, fate mobs first, ignore everything else But if it possible mb u can add option "atack mob, that atacking u 1st" ? In my case, i'm w8 for 2% of FATEs, while bot start to make actions, and in some FATEs as i sad, there are some mobs, that atacking me and bot as stupid stay and took all damage, ignoring him -_- It'll be great to repair it...
(12-11-2013, 12:53 PM)HansW Wrote: 4. if we target the boss only, it will run through all other fate mobs, not sure if you want that. and it aint that easy to identify the boss. we may add an option to go most HP first, that will make it go directly for the boss. It'll must 2 work. Again, in my case, there are big boss and few minions, and minions have lots hp (but i thnk less, then boss), but bot only hit those minions and doesnt look in boss turn :,(
(12-11-2013, 12:53 PM)HansW Wrote: 6. you can use lattys 100% meshes, they will soon be part of the bots default download but are available on the forum Will w8 for it, hope u make news topic, where it'll be finished. And ofc, it's make our boting easier, but not so much as espected...There are still "big rockes" that bot dont want to avoid... If it possible, i think it'll be greate to add function for bot in that case (logical): if bot "jam" he start to jump and avoids little barriers, but not large and high one...so it'll be good to turn it in that case: "if bot jump 3-5 times and still stayed at place - make another way to reach the point (or at least, to return him to mark point, or it will look funny, where some characters jumping in rock for a long time...) Smt like that...Or as i did it for CdS, i'd mesh all territory except large and high obect (it took long time 4 me, included fixing it).
So what about those 2, if smb knows, answer plz:
1) I'm boting on my cnj/whm, and when i do FATEs, he's not using skill, named "medica" (mass heal) and i dunno why...I try to make it works in many ways, but it dont want to work... I set "ally", max range "15", "use where target hp below" 70-80%...Mb smb know what to do? Without it bot healing all group with simply cure...
9) Is it no function for bot to repair his gear? Repair with help of npc or by itself (with crafters jobs)? It'll be great function not only for grindind, but gathering and crafting 2...
And 1 more suggestion, plz, add in meshmanager option "delete mesh". At the moment i can only "change mesh", but if i selected wrong location, i have to delete all my mesh and start from the beginning...It'll be comfort to "delete" some mesh part and continue record mesh part.
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try "delete" as change type
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
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12-11-2013, 04:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-11-2013, 04:22 PM by Latty79.)
(12-11-2013, 03:58 PM)Baolab Wrote: And 1 more suggestion, plz, add in meshmanager option "delete mesh". At the moment i can only "change mesh", but if i selected wrong location, i have to delete all my mesh and start from the beginning...It'll be comfort to "delete" some mesh part and continue record mesh part.
What? If you click on the change type dropdown box, you can select delete. The area size you want to delete is below it.
Hans beat me to it.
(12-11-2013, 04:18 PM)HansW Wrote: try "delete" as change type
ty, seems u add it recently, dunno saw it early...
(12-11-2013, 04:46 PM)fxfire Wrote: 9) unofficial, but click the LuaModule -> Dev -> "testbutton" on the bottom of the Dev window ;)
Loool, but don't u think it's ban offering?) Don't imagine how it works, but repair gear without fee it's strange...Don't think that smb from players can see it, but what about logs?)
And guys, If there are smb, who gathering with hacks (teleport/sprint) u dont get ban? Simply i'm use bot without hacks and yet dont het ban
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It's not free. You still pay for the repair, just avoids having to be at npc.