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Is there anyway to make the bot res?

Quick cast + Resurrection would be amazing for assisted play
i havent tried it yet but it does show up in the skill manager have you tried putting it in skill set up and setting the hp value of target to 0 and setting it to ally
same with swift cast. have swift cast same values then add to ressurect that it must cast the spell ID for swift cast first.
Hmm, if you put the hp to 0 it will just ignore that condition. You could try setting it to hp < 1 that should do the trick. And since raise gives the player a buff be sure to add that NOT has buff id for raise so it wont try to spam it.

167 Swiftcast
148 Raise

So you would set hp < 1, HAS NOT buff 148, and has buff 167. This would only cast on somrthing with hp < 1, that doesnt already have the raise buff, and only if you have swiftcast on.
I tried this a while ago and it didnt work but ill give it another shot :)
Youd also have to set up all your other skills to not cast while swiftcast is on, so you'd have to set up the exact same condition on swiftcast, hmm, swiftcast would require you to have player as the target as you cast it on yourself. If you set it to ally it would try casting swiftcast on the target rather than yourself and fail.. hmm, ill take a look into actions to see if i can find something that will tell us if the action is a self buff or can be targeted
Any update on this? I tried setting Allies HP < 1 but that wont work either. Can you make it so Target HP check is separate from target the spell is cast on. Example: Cast Swiftcast on "Target=player" when "Ally=Target HP < 1%". Would also help to have Target actual HP check too. for example, do not waste buffs and casting debuff spells on Targets that has less then x amount of actual HP rather then HP% (boss vs trash mobs).
Hm, on WHM I set Ally HP % < 1 and it was casting Raise when they died. It'd keep casting if they weren't there to accept the prompt, however. As far as using Swiftcast you could set it up with the same conditions as Raise and put Swiftcast in the Previous Ability field of Raise, then create another entry for Raise without it (at a lower priority). Correct me if I'm mistaken here, as I haven't tried it.
I will play with this tonight and set something up that will swiftcast res people mid battle..... But Honestly my main is WHM and having Ressurection cast by the bot can cause many problems that you are not taking into consideration... but none the less I will have a functiooning swiftcast res for you guys in a day or so.
Ok i've been playing around with it.. I got Swiftcast Rez working.. I will release my new updated whm profile with this and a few extra surprises after some instance testing.

Get your SwiftCast Rez HERE!

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