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Quest bot > PvP bot?
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like? Butin all srsiousnessness, making a script or lua or w/e you call it to do quests? I mean, we all just LOVE doing all the main story quests till we get AH unlocked, am I right people?! My curiousity now leads to me ask devs if they are working on it? Personaly I would say quest>pvp atm. But what do you all think of this horribly writen topic?
Horribly written topic but agree with you I do. I have 2 bots going atm and about to buy another key...doing those stupid story quests are haunting me in my sleep.

Something I would love to see someone make is a hack that can allow us TO SKIP THE CUTSCENES!! ALL OF THEM! I'm talking about the ones you can't skip that you MUST click through...super annoying.

but yeah, Questing mode > PVP Mode
I just was tired and coming off of 8 cups of esspresso a day because I thought it would help my programming studying. Bad idea in the end. Maybe.
i think pvp would be an easier feature to implment. and its a requested popular feature. not saying questing isnt a requested popular feature just pvp would be a much easier task.
(12-21-2013, 10:43 AM)fxfire Wrote:  we are adding the DutyFinder right now, it goes 50% hand in hand with quests/storyquests. once that is done, these ***** BORING REPETITIVE quests can be scripted as well

Can't wait for the pvp bot to start working!!
Can we get a brief overview what he pvp bot will be capable of?
cant wait for quest/duty finder bot.
Gooooooooooood blesss the MMO minions!

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