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Garuda extreme and ifrit extreme
well the first boss i just spread out all the bots and they attack second boss thre is a spot you can teleport to and he cant hit you. then the 3rd boss i just tank the boss in the middle stack the bots behind him and let them go. they aoe the adds down as needed.
Off topic jackie, do you know if there is a spot for turn V where you can teleport and farm it easily?
i think there is a spot i havent tried it yet because we actually do Coil with the FC.
What are the coordinates that you use for the ex modes? trying to find some to farm with some friends and no luck so far. Find any for titan?
i actually use the same coords i use for normal and hardmode.
do you think its "safer" to teleport farm garuda ex when you get in with party and all get out (failed run for example) and you are alone inside or when you go in with 7 Chars that you own.

I only think when SE see: "Hey somebody is soloing Garuda Ex, thats impossible! BAN!!"
I run 8 bots so i just farm all 3 primal ex. in my own group.
Man, I need more info, haha.
I've done the fights legit, they're a pain, so I can't imagine how you do Ifrit or Titan Ex with only bots.

Give us more details on how to achieve this~
you just teleport out of the circle and hover in the air the boss just stands there.
is it possible pm me the coords, and what about titan? i tired to see if i could do titan ex today, but kept getting hit by mountain buster

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