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[100% Meshes]
(12-28-2013, 09:34 PM)truesimbius Wrote:  lv15/20 mining from lower la noscea didnt works ;/

Thanks, looks like they changed those nodes from 20 to 30. Updating now.

Keep these coming, they must have changed quite a few level ranges this patch.
itis possible to re mesh Botany 15 Profile just for mature tree and Botany 15#2 just for lush vegegation? Central Shroud

Central Thanalan is missing Botany level 10 and level 30 gathering meshes.
Hey Latty and thank you for the amazing meshes! Only just bought today but noticed a problem with the lvl 25 lushes in Eastern Thanalan just north of Drybone. I put 2 pictures of it, sorry if I hide too much I can PM more uncovered image if needed. Basically its the same big rock just on 2 sides of it, the path leads directly through the rock in both instances so it spam jumps and stuff, sometimes it gets through quickly others not so quick. It's just a tad suspicious I think with the jump spam.

Sorry for the big pictures, lol.

[Image: 2MmzP6m.jpg]

[Image: ujPnsX5.jpg]

Not sure if this is a mesh problem or a minion problem but at Fallgourd Float in North Shroud on the lvl 30 lushes(your BTN 30 #2 Marker), for some reason when it gets to the most eastern point(where the path runs between 2 rocks) it never goes back towards the entrance of Fallfourd(Where the marker is). Instead it heads all the way across the 2 bridges and to the 30 trees instead where that marker is(its literally otherside of the map), lol. Happens every time for some reason.
I'll take a look, thanks for the report.

Eastern Thanalan should be fixed.
So gathering was working perfectly fine for me for the past few days but as of this morning I can mine for about 9 nodes and then everything crashes. I haven't changed my settings or anything since when it was working. Any ideas?
Missing Central Thanalan

Botany 10 and 30 near Spineless Basin
(01-03-2014, 11:54 PM)blasco99 Wrote:  Missing Central Thanalan

Botany 10 and 30 near Spineless Basin

I'll add them later tonight. Raiding at the moment. Thanks for letting me know.
Markers added, keep them coming.
Thank you for your hard work Latty.

It seems that the Southern Thanalan mesh for Lvl 35 Mythril Ore mining doesn't cast quite a wide enough net. It will mine most of the nodes, but there are two that spawn right on the southern edge of the zone and the bot stops working until I manually clear a node and it respawns closer to the marker. Any help with this please?
where is the botanist leveling arwa in southern thanalan i have maps but i cant find it anywhere

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