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Question about how to use/setup skill manager in regard to pre combat buffing
Hi guys, I am starting to get into creating my own routines and while i have alot to learn, its generally doing its job. One issue I have ran into though thats stopping me from using a particular spell is designating something as pre combat only.

In this case I am playing as arcanist with x class action (stoneskin) from whm on the aciton bar.

I have it set as out of combat (checkbox) i thought GREAT! how easy! that should do it! .. NOT!

I have made one for myself and one for allies, both have the when NOT buff xxx (in this case 151 iirc)

I was under the impression it was being told to buff me and my allies, when not in combat and when the buff from stoneskin is not on me or my friends.

Well i am in a group with myself (chocobo and carbuncle) doing fates and i am essentially chain casting stoneskin (i have it at the top priority (figured to aid in doing it first with the rest of the buffs)

Now i realize if i move it down below say "cure" it will cure first.. but after the cure is done it will just stoneskin cause the buff is gone.

Is their a way to make it use stoneskin before the pull ONLY?

I'm sure this is the first example of many, so get ready to several posts over the next week or two as i master this next aspect of the bot >.<

Im learning to love it, to be fair it can do nearly everything HB was capable of. (although you guys are priiiiiiicey!) But you do seem to be updating very frequently and im all for supporting that sort of thing ^^

Anyhow, prethanks for the help! I have disabled stoneskin in the profile until I hear back.
that currently only works for pvp. for pve you can't prebuff stoneskin out of combat.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
awwww. well atleast i saved myself the hours of messing w/ it trying to figure it out. Ok so basically their is no way to use it effectively? Not that i can think of but i figured id run it past you/you guys since you have been using the bot a potentially much longer time. Atleast i got protect and aero going up so ^^

thank you very much for your reply btw!
If you use the bot in Assist mode as a healer... You can set up a Stoneskin that will apply stoneskin say at HP>98% . That way it wont always stoneskin once it wears off. If you figured out how to use Assist properly as a Healer, you know that as soon as you target some one even pre combat it will cast buffs

Same method should actually work in grind modes too.
yeah... always irritates the heck of me when I select something pre-combat with my bard and it starts all buffs ;)
(01-24-2014, 12:15 AM)Signature Wrote:  If you use the bot in Assist mode as a healer... You can set up a Stoneskin that will apply stoneskin say at HP>98% . That way it wont always stoneskin once it wears off. If you figured out how to use Assist properly as a Healer, you know that as soon as you target some one even pre combat it will cast buffs

Same method should actually work in grind modes too.

ahah! THIS is good to know. Couldnt get protect to buff except in combat and so i just disabled it and did it by hand.

All i had to do was target someone? hah! go figure. With that said, unless you can set it up to only do such out of combat, id rather disable it anyhow.

In a fast paced primal fight, who wants to risk a missed heal due to someone rezzing midfight and your bot trying to cast protect instead of firing off a heal.

With stoneskin, i did try the >99 actually, and it did work. Problem is, it only worked on some people for some reason, also in a fight where people are constantly damaged and rehealed.. its burning thru mana like its gong out of style with stoneskin. Hence the reason I wanted to have it set for out of combat only. Trying to automate as much as possible, obviously.

With all that being said, what on earth would allow this to work in pvp but not in pve? odd if i may say so myself :P
It could be made to work with PVE, it's just not implemented. Currently the Out of Combat checkbox doesn't do anything other than turn a light on or off. The framework for the setting exists, but it has not actually been wired up.

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