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Suddenly started having problems
Ok so my minion was working fine up until about a week ago. Now it seems to do what it wants.

I'm using the bot to do fate grinding, but it isn't playing ball. If say for example I am level 35 and go to Camp Dragonhead in Coerthas, Set my home point to the Aetheryte etc etc when Fate grinding it will just run off to a random point on the map (or close the fate you would expect it to engage) and attack any non-fate mobs. Then it will blacklist the fate and run to a seperate fate and do the same again. I haven't changed anything on my bot and I have tried all sorts of options but it just doesn't work.

Below I have put the settings I have which may help you see what I have done wrong

LUA Modules > FFXIVMinion > Settings > Bot Mode : Grind
Bot Enabled : [/]
AutoStartBot : [ ]
Disable Speedhack : [ ]
Filter 1 : [ ]
Filter 2 : [ ]
Active Profile : SMN1.0a (Currently)
Class Default : SMN1.0a (Currenlty as im levelling SMN)
Mode Default : SMN1.0a (currently)

FFXIVMinion > General > Use Mount : [/]
Mount Distance : 75
Use Sprint : [/]
Sprint Distance : 50
Randomize Path : [ ]
Disable Rendering : [ ]
Skip Cutscenes : [/]
Skip Dialogues : [/]
Enable Unstuck : [ ]
Click To Teleport : [/]
Click to travel : [ ]

FFXIVMinion > Grind > Mount : Unicorn
Companion : [/]
Companion's Name : Summon III
Stance : Free Stance
Rest HP : 60%
Rest MP : 0%
Flee HP : 30%
Flee MP : 0%
Combat Range : 75%
IgnoreMarkerLevel : [ ]

FFXIVMinion > FATEs > Do FATEs : [/]
FATEs Only : [/]
Rest In Fates : [ ]
Kill Attacking non fate : [ ]
MaxFateLvl+ : 5
MaxFateLvl- : 8
Wait For Complete % : 0
Blacklist timer : 120

Hope someone can answer this.

Also if i leave it running after about 10 minutes it starts to do only the fates correctly as it should, but still why does this happen in the first place?
It looks like you're using enhanced assist module. Ace did an update that hopefully fixes grind, I haven't tested yet, but otherwise it was near impossible to get it working with that module. So to fix either get the new version of that module or remove it and reload the bot and you should be all set.
(02-04-2014, 11:02 AM)Textytext Wrote:  It looks like you're using enhanced assist module. Ace did an update that hopefully fixes grind, I haven't tested yet, but otherwise it was near impossible to get it working with that module. So to fix either get the new version of that module or remove it and reload the bot and you should be all set.

Excellent, I will try this now, thank you again.
The bot auto blacklists fates temporarily, that no body is doing atm (boss fates) That i have noticed... Everything seems to be setup properly on your end.. The only thing I would recommend is checking the randomize path box.
I would recommend setting the blacklist timer a bit higher if you're having this sort of problem. The blacklist timer setting (from what I can tell) is used in the bot's calculation to say that "if percentage of completion has not changed over the course of <blacklist timer setting>, then blacklist it". Since zones have gotten much less crowded, it's become necessary to bump the timer much higher than the default of 30, I use 120 myself, and really should be closer to 180-240 actually. This is what causes the issue of running to a fate, jumping down, then immediately jumping back on mount and running off somewhere else.

Hope this helps somewhat.
Hmmmm, but when the bot isn't FATE grinding it goes off and kills random mobs, usually aloit higher level than me and gets killed continuously. Even when I have FATEs only checked.

Hmmmmm, so I downloaded the latest enhanced assist by AceRage and still no luck. I delete the assist-enhance.lua or something along those lines and its working perfect now :S
Any kind of issue you could have using my addon at this point is a configuration issue. What area are you leveling in? How many grind markers do you have and what are the level ranges of those markers? If you don't have grind markers, this is part of the problem as the markers tell the bot what level ranges of mobs are acceptable, otherwise it will just run around and smack whatever it can find.
Hi Ace,

The only markers I have set down in Coerthas are fishing, mining and botany markers. No grind markers at all.
My setup is in my OP of this thread. I have it set to FATEs only, so therefor it should do FATEs only no? or am I missing something? and it happens with any class but at the moment I am SMN
You still need a grind marker with appropriate level ranges. Essentially you have it set to "kill whateveryou see" mode.
that makes no sense, i havent had to set a grind marker for fate grinding ever.

im having issues like never before in my life in coerthas fate grinding right now. 6 of my guys are having the same issues. no assist enhance nothing and it still happens when i remove it.

pulling non fate mobs, it isnt checkeds to kill non fate mobs attacking. it'll be killing a fate then stop attacking completely randomly. It will stop attacking and run away to kill a fate mob instead of fate boss, im talking like savara will be in the middle of her area and it'll run back to before the door to kill mobs.

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