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[Module] Ice V 0.11
what setting are needed to cast HOLY? I cant even get it to work with 1 target
target = player
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
I currently have a flu from hell and am out of it I'll let you guys know what I'm back.
I'm late noticing this but thanks a lot for using the blacklist manager. Keeping similar functionality in the same controls helps users build an intuitive confidence in the software (aka, I know where to go to find this type of functionality/settings) can be a pain to learn someone else's code rather than writing your own from scratch but it's very helpful to us in the long run. Well done.
Dumb question but how do i install this? Which folder do i unzip to?
make one and call it ice? in the Lua menu?
is it updated ?
This module has been more or less absorbed by the enhanced assist module. I'm unsure what to work on at this point in time. as I'm not sure what new features are needed/wanted. come up with some decent suggestions and I'll see if there is something I can do about it.
I am not sure how to use this for hunting monsters. I choose monster from hunt monster target dropdown. Set companion then set bot to grind. Toon just stand there not doing anything.
the repair feature of this is causing the infamous 9000 error ingame - set it to 99 % when gear needs repairing just as a test

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