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gathering only takes the top name
Guys can you help me out. ive been trying to put markers on gathering and setting up what items to gather. but its not working for me after i change it. can you help me coz im getting only the name on top of the gathering window not the ones i want thanks.
Try enabling the gathering manager at the top of the gathering manager window. If it isn't enabled it will only harvest the top item
It still doesn't work when I try to gather flax, or anything in the zone by tranquil. The select loot gets ignored.
Ok do the following.

Go to the node you wish to gather from, then

In the top control bar (minion bar) click the following

LUAModules > FFXIVMinion > Meshmanager. Then in the new window that opens click Markers.
Then click (select closest marker)
The name of the closest marker will appear above the select closest button you just clicked, take note of this name.
Okay back in the FFXIVMinion box click Meshmanager again to close the Meshmanager window, now click gathermanager. In the new window which opens open the sub category you want to gather I.e Mining or Botany. Now you will be at the menu to input item priority 1 and 2, but above these to lines click the drop down menu and select the gather point you got from the last step e.g Mining 25 or Botany 35 #2 etc etc.
Now in the item priority 1 line type the tine name (with capitals) e.g Water Shard or Mirror Apple. Press enter to save it. And then off you go :)

Thanks Chaotik, gonna try that when i log in later
No problem :)
Hope everything goes ok
i got it to work by going to the marker ^^ ty
Glad I could help

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