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FFXIV shuts down after fishing for a while
Having a problem, my FFXIV client crashes after fishing for about 30mins, every time.
I never run the bot AFK and the client just shuts down every now and then, I've tried interacting with the client every few minutes to see if the problem is that FFXIV thinks I'm AFK, but it still shuts down.
Anyone else having this problem, and anyone got a solution?

i had same problem whit laptop it had windows 8.1
though i was mining when it keep happening
in windows 7 no problems at all (yet)
I have almost same issue but longer then 30min... mining here
first are you using the Gui_launcher.exe or are you using the FFXIVMinion_launcher.exe Second are you running more then one bot?
Running one bot using FFXIVMinion_Launcher.exe
do you get the Crash message like this windows application has stopped working.. or does the game just go away. when you say afk and shutting down do you see the timer counting down from 20?

whats probably happening is you guys have markers or something not set up right on the mesh and the bot is running to the marker and just standing there and then going afk. and getting kicked out of the server.
using FFXIVMinion_Launcher.exe.... Crash message like this windows application has stopped working. Previously running for days and didn't have this issue only recently, well still happen if i bot for log hours :(
(03-20-2014, 03:41 PM)crazyfreak Wrote:  using FFXIVMinion_Launcher.exe.... Crash message like this windows application has stopped working. Previously running for days and didn't have this issue only recently, well still happen if i bot for log hours :(

do you run the bot as admin? are you hitting ctrl+L at any point? have you updated an antivirus software at all?
i have UAC off, nope nv hit ctrl+L. Using microsoft security essentials and yes its up to date....
Or maybe isboxer problem?
same problem i have occurred last 3 hours or at least.
hope to fix ASAP.

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