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[Module] Atma Tracker v1.3.1 (AFK Atma Hunting) 4/05/14
+1. u gay tho. :) Works great. Now if only the default nav meshs didn't suck complete ass for fate grinding. wtb 2.2 meshs plz.
03-31-2014, 05:07 AM
tested this and it works great :) Thanks
03-31-2014, 05:08 AM
Nice work bud
only wish i could get this working in a party lol!!!
like once all 4 get it, they leave and go to next.
03-31-2014, 04:26 PM
Thanks for the mod. I've only got 3 more to go, but i'll give this a shot.
03-31-2014, 06:22 PM
Water bearer doesn't work for me.
Be careful. Constantly teleports and hops on and off of chocobo recipe for a ban. Other than that works prefectly
03-31-2014, 06:39 PM
Not sure whats going on or if im doing things completely wrong. I have the addon picked. Have AFK picked. I have my FATE section of the bot setup as per the guide but i keep getting teleported to Central Shroud and i dont even have an Atma to get there.... Whats going on or what have i setup wrong?
03-31-2014, 06:44 PM
I left this going overnight and woke up to my last 4 atma. :)
Odano: beyond the scope of my knowledge lol. However I don't believe you could really manage the inventories of other characters (your party) through memory. Hypothetically, one could implement the following algorithm into the lua to get that to work: do not TP until each party member has a specific buff. So once one character gets the atma, they keep an indefinite, specified buff up so that minion can check that party member has the buff and flag it as meaning that the party member has the atma. But I won't be implementing this because I am done with my atma :( sorry. It wouldn't be too hard to add yourself though! Feel free to look through the lua as it is incredibly basic and there is a wealth of info on the wiki (other than aetheryte enumerations -_-) Maccy: what about it doesn't work for you? Teleporting to the zone, teleporting from the zone, or the atma checkbox not lightning up? Also, there are no constant teleports, unless you mean the casting of the teleport spell. Other than that, the only teleports are when the atma is inventoried. My lua also does not interfere with mounting or dismounting - that is entirely handled by minion's grind function. I'm glad it's (mostly) working for you though! I received water bearer yesterday with this addon and didn't encounter any trouble. The biggest difficulty is that it keeps you on the right side of the map. I consider this a difficulty because it only farms the right half of the map so it will take a little longer. This can be fixed, but illegal (pos) teleporting would be needed to remedy it (to make the entire map accessible with my addon). Or making it run waypoints from a connected zone to the left side of the map. (03-31-2014, 06:39 PM)Iceman Wrote: Not sure whats going on or if im doing things completely wrong. I have the addon picked. Have AFK picked. I have my FATE section of the bot setup as per the guide but i keep getting teleported to Central Shroud and i dont even have an Atma to get there.... Whats going on or what have i setup wrong? I will quickly append a set up to the OP. Check below for your solution. Edit: iceman, I just read your private message. He said his problem was that it was teleporting him to Central Shroud but there is no atma obtained from central shroud. On the quest description, atma of the maiden says central thanalan (?) but this is a known mistranslation. Research shows that atma of the maiden is in fact found in central shroud. Let it be noted the quest description also says "central la noscea" when such a place does not exist. This is another mistranslation meant for MIDDLE la noscea. Refer to this URL:
03-31-2014, 07:09 PM
I only have 1 Atma at the moment which is the Water Bearer. But checking the log there is no Atma in Central Shroud that i can see in my Log so not sure why else it would look to teleport there?
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