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[Module] Atma Tracker v1.3.1 (AFK Atma Hunting) 4/05/14
Water-Bearer one constantly teleports you back to the crystal over and over. Seems to have an issue in Upper La Noscea due to the zone being split in half and having to use the skipper to go between the 2 sides.
Teleporting you back to the aetheryte when...?

I can't replicate your error.
Mine works fine for waterbearer. Ensure that you are using the latest version from the OP.
yea in the code it load the wrong side of upper la noscea, it load left when you need the right one.
Can you specify where you are teleporting from?
Or provide me with the correct map ID?

I can't test it at the moment.
Note: Teleport to ID: x means Aetheryte ID x, not zone ID.
Yea in the code it's "elseif (gMaiden==1 and gScorpion==1 and gWaterbearer==0 and not (Player.localmapid==139)) then --139 is right side, upper la"

but 139 is for the Left side of the map, not the right one. I had to manually change in the NavMesh to UpperLaNoscea Right and it was fixed
Im pretty sure there is only an aetheryte for the right side of the map, seen here: so that is where it teleports you to.

if the map id is wrong, then yes, you will constantly try to TP and end up back there in an endless loop. please provide me with the correct map id for the right side.

if the map id is correct, then the atma bot is working fine.
make sure when you START afk mode that your minion's grind is ALREADY RUNNING.
I cant be held accountable if your meshes are incorrect or your bots were never started ;)
Yes but what i'm trying to say, is the bot setting load Upper La Noscea Left instead of right after teleporting to the zone on the right side..

As I'm trying to explain into other forum, my atma hunting doesnt work in every zone :/
When it teleport me to:

East Shroud
Central La Noscea
Western Than
Outer La Noscea
Lower La Noscea

The bot isnt responding to NaveMesh or FATE in the eara at all, I set the option to do all fate + and - 50.. but it's just not do any FATE or Navigate to them in those zone.

(04-01-2014, 03:33 PM)arktikk Wrote:  Im pretty sure there is only an aetheryte for the right side of the map, seen here: so that is where it teleports you to.

if the map id is wrong, then yes, you will constantly try to TP and end up back there in an endless loop. please provide me with the correct map id for the right side.

if the map id is correct, then the atma bot is working fine.
make sure when you START afk mode that your minion's grind is ALREADY RUNNING.
I cant be held accountable if your meshes are incorrect or your bots were never started ;)

How do I know if my NaveMesh are correct? I didnt touch them.. they are downloaded from the server.
OP updated to have FATE settings.

Yours are set to do fates 50 levels higher than you (100) and 50 lower (0). Try mine.
wtf is that "ffxiv_helpers.lua" 425 attempt to campare two nil values"
(04-01-2014, 05:21 PM)chriskara10 Wrote:  wtf is that "ffxiv_helpers.lua" 425 attempt to campare two nil values"

Don't be so concerned with every error message you see, especially while changing zones and the bot is loading new meshes. The problem you are describing above occurs because the default mesh for Upper La Noscea is the left side. You should be able to correct the issue by teleporting there, and manually changing the mesh to the right side.

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