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new coil
(04-05-2014, 05:46 PM)odano1988 Wrote:  in turn 7 you have to kill the adds, no exceptions. at least at this point./

Yah, have to kill the adds. I don't have problem with adds until prosecutor (it just one or two shots all my bots) :(
i cant even kill the adds fast enuff, prolly cuz Im doing it alone.
(04-05-2014, 07:21 PM)chharith Wrote:  i cant even kill the adds fast enuff, prolly cuz Im doing it alone.

Yah, don't think it's possible to do it alone. I'm doing it with 8 bots and having trouble lol. I probably need to get a melee and tank in for the limitbreak when prosecutor pops, can't really see any other way to kill it fast enough.
(03-30-2014, 06:06 AM)andysx Wrote:  just did this earlier today, just 2 of us. to prevent it from reset, one person has to be on the ground. anyways we kill the thing and get no drops because theres only 2 of us. a message popped up, forgot wat it says, but something like "2/8 players present in the instance for this fight, calculation of loot spawn will be 0 of 2." basically no treasure coffer spawned that fight based on the number of ppl there, which is 2. wonder if I be banned next maintenance, will find out when it comes.

So about this incident, can someone confirm this? I have only 2 toons so far to do the new coils..... does this really happen? If so, I will stay clear of this for awhile
prayer, i think se fixed coil at least turn 6, we tried last night and couldnt do it. boss resets.
hm haven't tried it yet, so ur saying leaving one on the ground doesn't do squat?
(04-13-2014, 02:13 PM)odano1988 Wrote:  prayer, i think se fixed coil at least turn 6, we tried last night and couldnt do it. boss resets.

lol dang bummer xD thanks for the timely response. Guess I will just take the time to finish it the right way lol
hi there is there a new lua script/waypoint someone can upload for turn 6 i think the latest patch screwed us cant attack it too long it keeeps resetting i got a frnd to help me sch and we got it to 70% then it 1 hit my friend and to dodge i had to tp very high soon as i did that it reset -_- i been at it for like 2 days now im loosing my mind and the reset is tommorow can someone save me ? lol just a lua mod or something liek the t1-5 1 i downloaded preferrably 1 for me to solo it i got all classes except monk, drg and warrior thanks. oh and i have a sch friend ssorry he wans in too but he dsnt have bot lol but i can do t solo if yall can hook me up
Uzumaki, at this point in time doing it solo is almost unimaginable. We tried with 8 people using bot and could not get the boss to lock. So at this point in time it seems SE fixed it.
If you want to lock him, port in, pull him and port to the right tree, and the boss will run up just stand there.

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