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this happens ALL the time and now its time to post...
WHY is my bot constantly Teleporting in the middle of nowhere?! (not like hack - like the spell that costs gil) I blew more than I made gathering the other night because the bot would constantly teleport every 10 nodes.

Now im standing in mordhona setting up to craft. Bot is currently off and yet every 20 seconds (as i type this) i have to go back to game window and interrupt the teleport. Seriously?!? WTF!?!

sigh. I cant WAIT to find out what has been causing this all along... I know someone knows and im sure its something simple/avoidable. If not it certainly needs to be rectified >.< Teleport isnt in any of my skill manager profiles thats for darn sure!
disable unstuck. The bot has a unstuck feature, then the box is an advanced unstuck if it gets stuck and tries to jump and cant get free it will Teleport. if thats not it are you using hte atama addon?
AH, unstuck could very well be it. Makes sense too! I will NEVER use that again :) Damn i love you jackie LOL. And no, not using atma addon :) Considering it but not yet ^^
I don't believe it's possible for unstuck to function when the bot is not enabled. If you have video proof of this please supply it; otherwise don't lie to emphasize your point.

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