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new coil
you can confirm this has worked this reset?
if someone manages to tell us a working and confirmed method of doing t6 with minimum of 2 people with a kill spot they by the 17th they shall have a very generous donation come there way ^^
SE is still monitoring new coil turns. All you guys doing are helping SE patch it up. Not to mention posting info out in the open. Do it in PM if you must.
ok pm please ^^
doing my own "research", if anyone has some kind of breakthrough, lets discuss, more "scientists" on the job gets it done quicker :D PM :D
You can do this guys i believe in you ^^
any word on moogle king ex?
moggle king extreme, get all mobs to 10 percent, kill 1, rinse and repeat, then get them all as low as possible, kill them all, kill moggle gg. Hard to do by yourself.
So as far as we have worked out for turn 6 you have to do a lot of manual input. Have 2 tanks on the ground and make sure they have some threat on Rafflesia to stop it resetting at 70%, it will still use all of it's mechanics as if you were doing the fight legit so you still have to heal through thorny vines. At around 60% it will start using honeyglazed which spawns wasps, you have to have your tanks pick these up and everyone needs to switch and kill them asap before they one shot the tanks. The key is not to let the people on the ground die/lose threat otherwise it will just reset. This is where it gets a bit tricky because you still have to follow standard fight procedure, not doing any action while Blighted Bouquet is going off. You also need to keep the area where the tank stands clear of any thorns, although you could probably heal through the DoT. The slimes still work as they would doing it legitly. Basically, your doing everything as it should be done minus tank swaps and running into thorns for devours. This is the only method we seem to have working so far.
we have 2 tanks 2 heals 4 dps, 6 people in air 2 people on bottom .We managed to get to the slime phase, but we were so far behind on healing due to thorns and shit we just got stomped. We will be trying again tonight. It helps if you arent playing multiple charcters. So the old 8 bots m yself in coil probably isnt gonna work to well but if your in a fc that can do it it'll work out hopefully. Still easier then doing it legitly.

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