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Midgarsormr-teleport farming
I guess ill jump aboard the bandwagon if anyone is on Midgardsormr and wants to teleport farm hit me up. I have estabilished FC already with house to safely teleport from i have several bots already so we can jump right in to farming all the primal Ex. and coil.
honestly as tempting as this all is people shouldn't tele hack at all - after playing ffxi for 10 years i know how SE work ... people will most probably find out mths after the fact SE decide to do a mass blanket ban and it wont be hard to track down such activity ... saying that adding functions to do runs afk is very cool if you are in a bot farm team etc.
meh they really cant track it so much. they dont want to waste the man power tracking every single persons movements in dungeons to find out who is teleport hacking if that was the case it would of happen by now. Really for SE its out of site out of mind. If you are not getting tons of player reports that you are botting or if you are spamming you probably are not gonna get banned. i think botting pvp is more dangerous then teleport farming dunegons.4
not hard for them to tell how fast and often players are doing an instance @@

also i remember

salvage bans from xi when ppl were flee hacking + mass bans months later
the salvage dupes from xi - a smaller group of people and yes some years ago but same outcome mths after the fact

just saying SE have a track record so people should take note of what the admins said about the use of tele farming
They have a track record of a ignoring what you do unless they get a bunch of reports

If ur gonna bot you have the chance of being banned. But with out any teleport detection not much higher chance. Always a risk but not much more then botting in general. I look at as when will I be banned not If.

Ur right its not hard for them to track but they are not wasting the man power to do so. Its cat and mouse they know if they detect a hack or a not that the not revs will find a way around it. Is better dollars for them not to mess with us until we become a problem for them as in player reports or selling rmt or spammjng
still looking for others to join!
im on midgarsormr
no one seems to be doing it on behmoth, so was thinking of switchin servers. You guys still operating this.
Not to necro old threads, but I'm on midgarsormr! I would love to this with you guys :)
Bumping this to hopefully get more ppl

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