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FFXIV Update 08/06/14 1839GMT:
same issue with choco, bot doesnt walk if the option is active.
if inactive he just summons choco (fighter) and repeats it 1000 times
if inactive choco fighter and ride a choc, he will stay arround for a long time till he starts to run to the next fate
Biggest thing I've noticed is the afk feature SE added still kicks in while mining. I'd imagine it happens in duty mode as well.
you can turn off auto-afk
system config > other setting > afk settings
Word, now get in game lol
New issue:
when using multiple accounts on one PC it crashes often. Tried on 2 PCs :(
It makes duties unusable now :(
Tried without bot and it's working fine :/

edit: it could be my mistake and maybe i used one key for 2 accounts... removed all and trying again now...

I've done a fresh install (to ensure it wasn't any add-ons). When attempting to craft, it's throwing really high values into the amounts needed to craft the item.

I've tried with and without HQ mats in my inventory / HQ game setting set. This only appears to be happening to me, and my wife doesn't have this issue.

She instead gets a problem where it only crafts twice, and then stops. She's already disabled AFK to ensure that wasn't messing things up.

For debugging, I've taken a copy of her install, and I still get the same error.

Edit: The "large required items" bug only appears to be happening on certain crafts. All the console states is "Can Craft Selected Item? false"
It wasn't working for me before. I redownloaded the client and didn't use the GUI launcher. Now it works wonders!
I launch the client when it loads says enter key and password then i click login.. nothing happens... any idea?
(06-07-2014, 10:50 PM)sushi69 Wrote:  I launch the client when it loads says enter key and password then i click login.. nothing happens... any idea?

run bot as admin. Gui_launcher doesnt work so you have to launch the game get the character fully loaded in game use the launcher as admin then log in to the bot.
I am having problems running fate on grind mode the toon doesnt move. can anyone confirm that fate grinding is broken?

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