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A/B Class Hunts
Has anyone thought of a clever way to do these yet? I was thinking of gathering all the named mobs in a zone and basically just have my character run around through the zone looking for those mobs. Any better ideas out there?
is there a way to make my character run in a specified path over and over again ? if yes then i can make a way for my mule tell me when a hunt is spawned in an area while im camping another area in my main account
as far as I know just creating markers and having them run those markers...
Is there a way for the bot to do a zone scan on named mobs?
how to do markers ? and how to make the bot run to them automatically over and over
Markers are not waypoints. markers are more like beacons. you drop waypoints in specific spots of the nav mesh and the bot will navigate and hunt mobs around that marker that meets the level range of that marker. You could in theroy drop say 10 grind markers spread out through the whole zone with a timer of 2min each with the content IDs of hte mobs you want to hunt at those markers(beta version only of bot) and set the bot to grind. It will Randomly, or in a list (again beta version of the bot only) navigate to each marker and spend 2 min looking for mobs before it moves on to the next marker. the radius on markers is huge. If yo do not know how to set markers i susgest you read the tutorial section of the ffxiv forums.
It wont work, after last update the b rank elite hunts hp= 100k, A rank around 300K and S rank above 1M. Am farming with 4 char's and it take me around 1-2 minutes to kill B rank. For the A rank I need to bring my alliance to help me with killing. So i'll say you need 8 char's to kill an A rank without any hardship.
Before the update I was killing both B and A rank. Now I need help of other to kill an A rank. Moreover the more people come the less points you get since you are not in party of 8. If you are in party of 8 and trying to move around all the map people will notice that you are spotting them so fast and increase the risk of knowing that you are using some kind of programmes.

In summary, we need something that able us to farm B ranks by using 8 dps char's in pt, estimate killing in 20 seconds and ignore A ranks.
If you want to ignore Rank A mobs, just dont put those ID into the hunt monster. Or you can just Blacklist them
I want something works just exactly like atma famring, but instead its elite B hunts. Moreover, it also works with 8 char's that i'll run in same time in party mode. Am not here to demand, but asking if its possible? I think it will give great boost in members purchasing and lead others to create more char's and encourage them to farm.
I'd never get 8 chars just for hunt ;)

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